Monday, February 10, 2025

The Guy Who Thinks He’s Knows More About Government Than Anyone

Payments for immigrants is not “waste and fraud.” And even if it was, the recourse is a civil suit, not fire all the inspectors general and freeze funding without authority. Congress actually does have the power to authorize payments like that. You don’t have the authority to stop them. No one does except Congress, or a court of competent jurisdiction after proper findings. Elmo is neither.

“Appears to be” is not a legal standard except in cases of conflicts of interest, of which yours are legion. Rooting around in databases you don’t understand does not make you knowledgeable anymore than declaring 120 hour work weeks makes your cars reliably self-driving.  And people with “foreign names” on the SS rolls (careful, “Elon”) doesn’t even begin to indicate fraud.

Get back to me when water doesn’t set your cars on fire (inextinguishably) and your rockets don’t explode and you once financially sound social media platform isn’t losing money like a Trump casino. Because based on your track record alone you shouldn’t be allowed near anyone else’s computer, or be in possession of anything sharper than a rubber ball.

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