Thursday, January 17, 2019

The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight

“We haven’t heard — he’s very silent, more than 24 hours … We haven’t heard yet,” she said.

Nancy Pelosi, speaking of Donald Trump, on the subject of the postponed SOTU.*  But it applies to almost everything.

This is his first tweet in 24 hours:

And yeah, it's got a typo.  Kind of hard to be menacing when you can't be literate. That was followed by one more, notable for who it doesn't mention, and for what it does:
No, I don't know either, and don't care.  Seems to be like his post about walls in the world, which one account blamed on FoxNews, another on USA Today.  But nobody, best I can tell, even wants to fact check this stuff anymore.  I mean, why bother?
And he's throwing himself a pity party, because he re-tweeted this:
He blamed "Speaker Pelosi" for not allowing Democrats to negotiate a deal (not that there are any reports they are anxious to), and the "radical left" for controlling the Democrats.  Pretty weak tea in the face of AOC's actions yesterday.  He still won't mention Pelosi, which is what's telling; and he's not talking about the SOTU, because it's a fight he can't win.  But he thinks he can fight anyway:

Which is not playing on the same field at all.  Trump isn't shaming Pelosi with this act; he's being childish and petulant because he can't force the Speaker to allow him to address Congress or even enter the floor of the House of Representatives.  Not going overseas during the shutdown actually plays to Pelosi's point.  And it's worth noting:

DHS considers the State of the Union to be a “national special security event” requiring “some of the most complex and logistically complicated protective operations undertaken by the Secret Service, often requiring anywhere from 3 to 18 months of planning.” 

Trump's attempt at retaliation does not increase confidence in the abilities of the Administration.  While it's a veiled attempt at responding to Pelosi's withdrawal of the invitation, her statement we opened with is still true:  Trump hasn't responded to her about that.  There is no quid pro quo offered here, no real mention of the SOTU at all.  Certainly nobody's getting eaten alive by that letter.

*It's worth noting the SOTU is required by the Constitution "from time to time", and between the Presidencies of Jefferson until Woodrow Wilson, it was merely sent to Congress as a document. The idea of reading it to a joint session is a product of communications technology, and honestly, who needs Trump preening himself on the idea of making so many people miserable and creating so much chaos due to incompetence, just because he's got the Presidential seal?

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