Friday, October 04, 2019

Bits and Pieces

Of a Twitter thread you need to read:

That gives you the idea.  The stuff in-between is just as important.  As ever:  watch the donut, not the hole.  This isn't about "quid pro quo."  This isn't about text messages, or why Trump committed a crime in plain sight (and is not calling it just trying to investigate corruption).  This is the shit Nixon was too upright and pure of heart (!) to think of.

And "black propaganda" is what Trump is doing by calling on China and Ukraine to "investigate" Biden.  Does anyone doubt for a moment he's made similar overtures to China, and offered similar "statements" for them to issue, all with the promise he won't mention Hong Kong and he might go easy on the tariffs?  If you do, I've got some land in southern Louisiana you'll want to buy sight unseen.  Prime real estate; trust me.

Our President is not fit to live among civilized persons.  QED and EOD.

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