Friday, October 04, 2019

People Forget

...that by the time they got to Nixon, Agnew had already been forced to resign (and face criminal charges to which he pleaded "nolo contendre."  I still remember that phrase because of him.).  John Mitchell was also no longer AG by '72, so it was easy to convict him, too (he didn't have to be impeached, either).  A lot of people went down under Nixon, and he had no AG to protect him from it by protecting them; or him.

The much criticized Janet Reno made sure she stayed as independent of Clinton as she could.

Barr, on the other hand, is Trump's bagman, and now we know he's ignoring the conflicts of interest created by his position, and protecting Trump from any charges or investigation as much as he can.  We didn't have to consider impeaching Mitchell and Agnew in '73; we can't really overlook impeaching Pence and Barr (and Pompeo) this time around.  If impeachment is meant to say "This will not stand!", then we also have to bury the "The President deserves the Cabinet he picks" canard, because the country doesn't deserve it and that's the purpose of "advise and consent."  Trump's entire administration is as rotten now, or worse, than it was under Nixon.

This is not the way we assure the function of our democratic republic.  And don't think the We, the People, don't know it:
I know the desire is a quick impeachment and throw it to the Senate for the inevitable rejection, all before Christmas; but shit need to get real up in here.

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