Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Increasingly The Public Individual Response To Covid Is…

"I ain’t one o’ those 3600 Americans (or 860,000), so fuck all y’all, I’m done!”

You know, like Meat Loaf did. They’re all Meat Loaf now. Or just assholes like Bill Maher:
In Maher’s America, concerns for public health are paranoid when he’s tired of them.

860,000 of us got sick and died (and more everyday)? Well, shit, it ain’t him, is it? Thankfully, the rest of us are smarter than that.

1 comment:

  1. I came to say that Bari Weiss should be the figurehead of white-elite-journalistic self-obsession but then saw Bill Maher, the low-energy, lower-brow George Carlson knock off. Watching even the funny Stephen Colbert's jumping on the attack-Biden band wagon has really done more to put me off of comedy than even Carlson managed to do. As Whoopie Goldberg said, his shtick isn't even funny.
