Sunday, June 23, 2024

Do You Just Play A Doctor On TeeVee?

DARIEN, IL – July 19, 2012 – A segment on the newsmagazine show Nightline reported people taking the prescription medication Provigil as a “smart drug,” to maintain wakefulness and promote cognitive enhancement. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) emphasizes that Provigil should be used only under the supervision of a doctor for the treatment of excessive sleepiness caused by narcolepsy, obstructive sleep apnea or shift work disorder. Provigil is a schedule IV controlled substance that carries risk for abuse and dependence
Provigil, which comprises the drug modafinil, is a stimulant that originally received FDA approval in 1998. A variation of the medication, marketed as Nuvigil and composed of armodafinil, was approved by the FDA in 2007. 
Both drugs are approved only for the treatment of three sleep disorders that compromise daytime alertness. Provigil should not be prescribed off-label or purchased independently by consumers for cognitive or performance enhancement. There is little evidence to support the use of Provigil or any other drug to improve learning and memory, and no medication provides such benefits without side effects.  
Potential Provigil side effects include headache, upset stomach and dizziness. Although much less common, more serious side effects may occur, including severe rash or allergic reaction affecting the liver or blood cells.
What the hell was Dr. Johnson-Jackson prescribing it for in the White House? And what kind of doctor would prescribe it for a Presidential debate?

I wouldn’t want that doctor anywhere near the POTUS, whoever the POTUS was.

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