Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Studies Of World Religions Would Be A Worthwhile Course

Most Boomers (I suspect) had several years of “Social Studies”, which covered geography and government and trade. Trade as in major exports from other countries. National capitols, that sort of thing.

Why not add religions to that curriculum? Not as indoctrination, but as subjects of study, as a part of the human experience just like geography and government and exports?

We’ve come to a point in America where “religion” is exclusively Xianity, and more commonly exclusively fundamentalist/evangelical Xianity.  Equally, that “faith” is either “personal,” or “believing what you know ain’t so.” There are better ways to understand religion than that. Which, like art (plastic; performing; literary) has been with us a lot longer than science or modern technology.

If we are going to understand the world, the material parts of it (geography, government, exports) are only a small part, after all.

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