Sunday, June 02, 2024

Following Up…

She is welcome to do so.

I’d just note that Dr. King trained his followers to accept jail as a consequence of civil disobedience, and accepted imprisonment himself. Which did not immediately make him the noble and saintly figure he became in death.

As Laura Loomer clearly thinks she will be. Which makes as much sense as Trump saying he’ll gladly go to jail for the Constitution.  🤷🏻‍♂️ Never did figure that one out.

Yeah, she did once handcuff herself to the Twitter office building in NYC. For two hours. To protest being banned from pre-Elmo Twitter (halcyon days, indeed). And not exactly the civil disobedience of Dr. King and those who marched with him. Loomer’s protest didn’t get her into jail then. It isn’t likely to at Riker’s, either. Or wherever Trump ends up; if he ends up anywhere.

Death threats should be taken seriously. But Trump supporters making outlandish claims of fealty with empty promises of action should be treated as the sad clowns they are.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder what would happen if she chained herself to the Supreme Court building. Or, better, participated in an insurrection against it. Would the Supremes get in a snit about it or would the fascist six join in with it?
