Saturday, June 01, 2024

“I Thought This Was America”

And if “bigger” means “smaller,” still true! In response, now that he’s free from trial, Trump is hitting the campaign trail! And back to the impenetrable bubble: (Thst is REALLY pathetic.) Dammit! They’re on to us! Trump is completely consumed by his criminal cases. His fundraising is for that purpose only: to cover legal fees. He wanted a billion dollars from Big Oil (who aren’t that stupid) so he could quit worrying. His rallies are only to boost his ego; not to boost his electoral chances. He has no infrastructure in states to rally voters or GOTV. He wants the RNC to raise money for him, not the party. Ironic, because the GOP is afraid of his supporters. But Trump is going to bankrupt the party.

And still go to jail. If not in New York, then to a federal prison. He won’t escape that. Even with money for lawyers, he can’t get lawyers who will save him from himself.

And he really needs to campaign. Which he shows no signs of doing.

He’s hanging on by his fingernails.

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