Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Throw It Against The Wall And See What Sticks, Or: Trump Campaigns, via Social Media

Pretty naked announcement about why he's running.  Also worth noting:  he filmed this at Mar-A-Lago; and will probably spend the rest of the day on his golf course. "Most people who could golf all day at their own golf course would likely find this country to be amazing."  A) Until jury deliberations, nobody was outside the courthouse.

B) Is he saying demostrators should have intimidated the jury into releasing him?

Is Trump going for the journalism vote?
Besides, Joe Biden would like a word (please note Biden is talking to actual journalists, not to a camera, about what has actually happened in the last four years):
And speaking of things Trump couldn't do:

Trump is still bragging about how Putin is his great good friend. Last time he did that (a few days ago), Putin explicitly snorted in international news, and said "Yeah, that's not gonna happen." The only person the world is laughing at, is Donald.

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