Saturday, October 05, 2024

Dems In Disarray

Democratic operatives, including some of Kamala Harris’ own staffers, are growing increasingly concerned about her relatively light campaign schedule, which has her holding fewer events than Donald Trump and avoiding unscripted interactions with voters and the press almost entirely. 
In interviews with POLITICO, nearly two dozen Democrats described Harris as running a do-no-harm, risk-averse approach to the race they fear could hamper her as the campaign enters its final 30-day stretch.
You can’t swing a cat without hitting stories like this. It’s odd because the venues Harris is appearing in are jammed: While Trump is talking to the same crowds, in smaller venues, and they don’t want to show up. Probably because Trump has been running for over two years now, and people are exhausted/bored:
I think if there is exhaustion factor," he told the co-hosts. "I mean maybe it is anecdotal for people saying they are looking at these crowds and looking for yard signs but you don't feel the level of energy they had before." 
"I think his own base is exhausted and I think the whole country is exhausted," he elaborated. "But the people who want to vote them out, who have been against him all along, and the people who have come to understand his true evil, those people are motivated to get out." 
He added, "The other people sick of him are his own people and it's like, ''Alright, I don't want to go to another rally. Do I really want –– do I have to get up on election day? How many envelopes do I have to –– these envelopes are bad; I'm not going to vote."
Not to mention large numbers of voters in Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina, may well have something better to do than vote. Ironically, that’s per Politico.

Every four years Democrats wring their hands about their chances. Harris is campaigning in Georgia. Should she also campaign in Texas? Florida? California? Where is Trump campaigning? Friendly areas where his MAGA supporters will show up. Presidential campaigns never put the candidates in every one of the 50 states, and losers always use hindsight to say “coulda/woulda/shoulda.” But Democrats are spending serious coin to help Allred beat Cruz (it could happen! Probably won’t.🫤). Bernie Sanders headlined a Harris fundraiser in San Antonio (not exactly hiding the Dem freak flag). 

Most of the complaint is, wherever Harris is, whatever she she’s doing, she needs to be somewhere else, doing something else.

A lot of discussion in the article about how Obama did it differently, and Hillary did it this way (!), but so did Biden. And, of course, the almighty polls, which don’t paint the picture some want to see.

No consideration that people are sick of the campaign, or ready to vote NOW!, or that expectations are for another massive voter turnout (always bad news for Republicans, which is why they work so hard to suppress the vote), or how Trump’s GOTV efforts are outsourced, failing, and ruining his chances in the only poll that counts. Or that Trump doesn’t have the money Harris has because his sources are tapped out, and he’s spending a lot of that money on his lawyers. The same “analysis” says Republicans will control the Senate. But without GOTV efforts, who’s going to vote Republican at all? Maybe not enough.

Only one poll matters.

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