Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Draw No Quick Conclusions

Prayers for the cardinal are in order. But so is the wisdom of doing everything you can to halt this pandemic, and that includes masks, social distancing, and vaccination.


  1. As Cardinal Burke lies in the hospital on a ventilator after refusing a vaccine that he also told Catholics under his pastoral care not to get because it contained “microchips that can let the state control” you, let’s look at a few of his greatest hits:

    He’s not only pro Trump, he’s told Catholics they may not vote for Democrats and is good friends with Steve Bannon.

    He was supporting Bannon in his bid to form a school in Italy to teach people from all over the world how to be fascists and take over their governments.

    Burke and Bannon also conspired to leverage their international influence and contacts in order to undermine Pope Francis and his ecumenical outreach while trying to urge western govts to go to war with Islam wipe it from the face of the earth.

    Being ideologically consistent, Burke believes that being gay is inherently sinful, a choice and not genetic, and is against gays even adopting kids because “no good things can come from an evil act.“ In fact, he blamed all of the sexual abuse within the Catholic Church on homosexuals and simply weote it off as no fault of the Church.

    These are just some highlights from his ugly career. Burke has caused untold suffering and if he had his way would probably have caused misery worldwide the likes of which we haven’t seen since Hitler or Stalin. As I ponder this I wonder what my prayer for him might be.

  2. It will be hard to pray for someone who I think was asking for it. Perhaps repentance is possible but if it happens I will count it as a miracle. A real one.

  3. Pray for a quick, merciful end to his suffering.
