Yes, I know polls are bullshit; but so is all this whinging since Thursday night. And polls are the language the whingers speak.Today's YouGov/CBS Poll:
— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) June 30, 2024
Should Biden stay in the race? YES, 55%-45%
Should TRUMP stay in the race?
NO, 54-46%
That says it all.
Any effing questions?
"I would like to say 'This book is written to the glory of God', but nowadays this would be the trick of a cheat, i.e., it would not be correctly understood."--Ludwig Wittgenstein
"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards."--Soren Kierkegaard
Sunday, June 30, 2024
Raspy Voice Beats Felony Convictions
Thursday Events Make For Long Weekends
If this were a real democracy, Biden would heed the voice of the pundits and step aside.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 30, 2024
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) June 30, 2024
Biden must step down in order to spare the country the pain of having to read more pieces about why he must step down.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 30, 2024
Let The Trial Begin
I wondered what would stop Judge Chutkan from setting the trial this year, provided the Supremes don’t give Trump absolute immunity. Former Judge Luttig says I was right: nothing but the court’s calendar.'Wow': MSNBC host stunned by legal expert's proposal for Trump Jan. 6 trial strategy
— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 30, 2024
As Luttig told the MSNBC host, while there are political considerations involved in starting a trial that could run through the election, there is no legal reason stopping special counsel Jack Smith from asking for the trial to start as soon as possible -- politics be damned.
"The politics of the moment will all but demand that Jack Smith forgo trial before the election, and until after the election," Luttig told the MSNBC host before adding, "But I would urge Jack Smith, in the strongest possible terms today not to yield to that cynical partisan politics, and to bring this case on for trial even in September or October," at which point Velshi blurted, "Wow,' as Luttig continued, "In the name of, and for the sake of American democracy, the Constitution and rule of law."
"Judge, is there any chance if Jack Smith hears this and takes your guidance on this that Tanya Chutkan will allow it to happen?" Velshi pressed.
"Yes, there is every chance in the world that Judge Chutkan would allow that to happen, Ali," the retired judge replied.Election interference? Trump brought it on himself. The court has no obligation to respect the political calendar. And this was a not starting or announcing an investigation prior to an election, so DOJ guidelines don’t apply.
Chaser:This x1000000000
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) June 30, 2024
Q: Do you think Donald Trump should stop saying things that aren't true?
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 30, 2024
Trump VP contender Doug Burgum: Every lie Trump said on Thursday night, he's been saying before. So this is not news
Suffering The Children
'I haven't seen Democrats storm the Capitol!' ABC host has angry clash with Steve Bannon
— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 30, 2024
This is the way children behave:
"Here's the bottom line," Bannon asserted. "When this is adjudicated and reviewed, if they are certifiable, chain of custody, vote ballots and votes from American citizens, then hey, whatever that outcome is, is totally fair."
"Until the time that we get that, all bets are off."There were 60 cases rejected for lack of evidence; and every review of the vote count, including the ludicrous Cyber Ninja effort in Arizona, found no fraud and no evidence of serious misconduct.
Trump Even Sucks At Golf
Ron is right. Although one of Biden’s best lines was to challenge Trump to carry his own bag. But holding Trump to what he actually played, rather than what he says he played?Next time, just mock the absurdity of his claim that he won the last two Club Championships on his own golf course in his own tournaments. Also mock how cartoonish he is to use it as his best argument on fitness for office. Don’t tit for tat a psychopath.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) June 30, 2024
What Fools These Pundits Be
"It wouldn’t work legally, it wouldn’t work politically…” When you set aside the handful of actual lawyers covering Trump’s criminal and civil trials, you realize at a moment like this the majority of the punditry doesn’t know shit from Shinola.I'm sorry. None of these so-called serious pieces are anything but tantrums so long as they have a list of Not-Kamala people they're pushing.
— emptywheel (chuckles) (@emptywheel) June 30, 2024
It wouldn't work legally, it wouldn't work politically, and FFS, Kamala is the one who shares Biden's unprecedented legacy.
I have to say that I am so proud right now of my newspaper, the Philadelphia Inquirer
— Will Bunch (@Will_Bunch) June 29, 2024
Please read our just-published editorial: "To serve his country, DONALD TRUMP should leave the race" 🎁
News Is Gossip
Yeah, no. This was announced a week ago. Joe Biden is and will be the Democratic nominee.
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 30, 2024
The oligarchy?Why only two 🚨🚨? Seems like it should be at least three.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 30, 2024
Saturday, June 29, 2024
There Can Only Be One Narrative
Two narratives just complicates things.Trump’s debate performance excited & appealed to his base - a group that wallows in a cesspool of lies & conspiracies. It disgusted everyone else. Biden’s performance disappointed his & failed to assuage the concerns of undecideds. But the coverage fails to reflect both things.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) June 29, 2024
The Selling Of The President
A 'must-watch' wide-open Democratic convention could be a nightmare for Trump: analyst
— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 29, 2024
"If Biden were to accept reality and step aside, for once, Democrats would have a genuine opportunity to match Trump’s theatrical dominance," before adding, "What could draw more people into politics than a must-watch nightly drama, with the fate of the nation at stake?"There it is, said plainly.
What else matters?Editorial | If Donald Trump delivers his unrelenting stream of lies, fake statistics, and baseless accusations in a raspy, stammering voice, we will also call upon him to exit the race.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 29, 2024
Time Wounds All Heals
This you?
— Keith Edwards (@keithedwards) June 29, 2024
NYT Is The New WSJ
NYT reporter puts distance between himself and editorial calling for Biden to step aside
— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 29, 2024
The editorial board of your paper, the New York Times, is urging President Biden to leave the race," Witt began. "You can see the headline, we are putting it up again. That, as you know, is no small thing. Did it surprise you, Peter, that members made this call so quickly after the debate and what kind of impact this will have?"
"Well, as your viewers I assume know, there's a difference between the news side of the New York Times and the editorial side," he began. "I have nothing to do with the editorial side, so just so everybody understands this is something completely separate from what I do in terms of reporting."Except:
But obviously it is an important editorial platform in the country," he conceded before proceeding, "And I think, more importantly, it reflects a lot of conversation among Democrats, put aside the media for a second."
"What you are hearing from people, many of whom have supported very strongly Joe Biden over the years is a great sense of disappointment, a great sense of fear and uncertainty and a great sense that maybe he's not at the point where he can carry this out through the fall much less the next four years," he elaborated. "That, I think, has been an undercurrent among many professional Democrats for a long time but now it's been brought in the open in a way we haven't seen before.Democrats who are in Peter Baker’s contacts? Or Democrats who just gave Biden $27 million? Which ones count, Peter?
Biden in 'meeting with his campaign co-chair in the Hamptons' amid growing concern: report
— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 29, 2024
CNN's Arlette Saenz reported that "Biden is currently in the Hamptons for a fundraising swing."
She added that he "is trying to ensure that he can continue to bring in the money for his campaign at a time when many Democratic donors have expressed a lot of angst following his debate performance."
"Now the president is accompanied today; the reporters traveling with him said that they saw Jeffrey Katzenberg, his campaign co-chair, who is also a longtime Hollywood producer with a lot of networking and contacts within that Hollywood circuit who has helped Biden raise money for other events, including that L.A. fundraiser with Obama, just a few weeks ago."
She then, however, added that there is a bright spot for Biden.
"But the Biden campaign today is also touting the fact that they raised 27 million over the over the past two days, that was on Thursday and Friday, a bright spot that they're trying to point to after the president's performance in the debate.""Trying to point to” is doing a helluva lot of work there. One wonders why campaign can’t just point to it, the way the MSM allows Trump to continue to be a xenophobic racist who wildly inflates his crowd numbers and his fundraising. Somehow Trump is never trying to claim more support or money than he has, while Biden is trying to escape a problem that more people more and more clearly was invented by a performance obsessed media. 🎭
ew And I Are Both “Old And Arrogant”
(For your convenience, Costa’s original post)Let's just do a for example. Name the media outlets who have reported that under a system Bill Barr set up to ingest dirt Rudy got, in part from known Russian spies, Joe Biden was framed by a then-FBI informant?
— emptywheel (chuckles) (@emptywheel) June 29, 2024
How is this not a relentless story in 2024?
(The dinosaurs continue to regard the mammals as interlopers. And no, that’s not a reference to Biden’s age.)Spoke this morning to a couple people close to President Biden. Hard to overstate how much he dismisses the political class and media in private. Believes many of them haven’t understood him for decades, don’t get his appeal. Cares what elected Ds with real power and voters say.
— Robert Costa (@costareports) June 29, 2024
Again, NYT demands that Joe Biden drop out, in part, because he didn't do THEIR job better in the debate, call out Trump's lies.
— emptywheel (chuckles) (@emptywheel) June 29, 2024
Huh? That's YOUR job, NYT, and you suck ass at it.
I work as little as possible, tbh. I should think that would be obvious by now, but you never know.[I'm old and arrogant too, I'll cop to that. I still work pretty hard, tho!]
— emptywheel (chuckles) (@emptywheel) June 29, 2024
Trump's NJ golf club liquor licenses are in Jr.'s name. Hiding behind his son isn't helping as the state moves to revoke.
— Business Insider (@BusinessInsider) June 29, 2024
Trump, at that time, brushed off the importance of that review, noting through a spokesman that he is "not the holder of any liquor license in New Jersey, and he is not an officer or director of any entity that holds a liquor license in New Jersey — or anywhere in the United States for that matter."
But on Friday, New Jersey officials found otherwise.
"A review by ABC indicates that Mr. Trump maintains a direct beneficial interest in the three liquor licenses through the receipt of revenues and profits from them, as the sole beneficiary of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust," the AG's spokesperson said.
Crimes of "moral turpitude"
Under state liquor law, a license may be pulled if anyone who either owns — or financially benefits from — the license is convicted of a crime of "moral turpitude."
The licenses for Trump's New Jersey clubs were at risk under both criteria, given his underlying financial interest in the clubs and his new criminal record, experts told Business Insider.
Trump, by his own sworn testimony, is the sole financial beneficiary of the Donald J. Trump Revocable Trust, the umbrella entity that owns all of the Trump Organization, including the three LLCs that hold the clubs' liquor licenses.
Trump was the sole trustee for a few months after leaving the White House, but then hopped back out in July 2021, leaving his eldest son as sole trustee as his criminal and civil investigations in New York, Georgia, Washington, DC and Florida intensified.
Still, as he testified at his New York civil fraud trial in October that he Trump remained the "sole beneficiary" of the trust and its assets. That means as his liquor licenses prosper, so prospers Trump, in contrast with everyone else at Trump Org, who is just on salary.Whether or not Trump loses his liberty, he’s going to lose now. I’d be interested to know what the laws are in Florida, because I don’t think NJ is unique in this.
The Grassroots Don’t Know What’s Important
Let me just add to that:If you really want to piss off the Democratic grassroots definitely have party elders and media elites move in to replace the nominee and incumbent president.
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) June 29, 2024
Brilliant logic, folks.
Trump unhappy he's not getting enough praise for his 'fantastic' debate performance
— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 29, 2024
"As I walked off the stage on Thursday night, at the end of the highly anticipated 'Debate,' anchors, political reporters and all screamed that I had had the greatest debate performance in the long and storied history of Presidential Debates. They all said, effectively, 'Trump was fantastic!'"
"This theme was universal, even at CNN & MSDNC, but by Friday evening it was all about the poor performance of Crooked Joe, and not so much about how well I did," he whined. "Oh well, that’s the way it is but, importantly, the result is the same!!!"Because yes, the results are the same. Biden raised $27 million; and Trump tells himself lies so he feels good about himself. Pretty much all you need to know.
There are a lot of people whose opinion on this topic matters today.
— emptywheel (chuckles) (@emptywheel) June 28, 2024
But NYT? Hell no. NYT has been whining about Joe Biden non-stop since January.
Generally, it's best to do the opposite of what NYT says on Joe Biden.
Donald Trump spent years encouraging his supporters to use violence to his benefit, and the New York Times editorial board spent years not calling for him to step down over it.
— Jamison Foser (@jamisonfoser) June 28, 2024
BREAKING: You know who does far WORSE holding Mr. Trump accountable for his lies??
— emptywheel (chuckles) (@emptywheel) June 28, 2024
Using NYT's own logic, NYT should step down from journalism.
NYT: Biden must drop out bc he can't handle Trump's lies.
— emptywheel (chuckles) (@emptywheel) June 29, 2024
Also NYT: The lies that we, the journalists whose job it is, instead call "boisterous."
It's just confession after confession from NYT, about their own rank failures to do what they demand of Biden.
Maybe NYT could assign 12 of the journalists writing Joe Biden debate stories to investigate why Trump is so sure Gershkovich will only be released if Trump wins?
— emptywheel (chuckles) (@emptywheel) June 29, 2024
I Officially Give Up
PBS just advertised a new show about disco. The thesis is that disco “start[ed] a revolution.”
No. Not at all. Not even close. Not nearly.
The language and the ideas of the Sixties: the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement, women’s liberation, gay rights, trans rights (still fighting for all of them), economic justice, started by the true revolution of the Sixties, has now been so co-opted it is thoroughly meaningless. I thought MAGA had finally done that. I was wrong. This is truly the last straw.
Words have lost their meaning. Concepts have been bankrupted. It’s time to really wipe the slate clean and start over.
going to bars in the 70s. PBfriggin'S is claiming disco started a friggin' revolution? I was there and it was one of the things along with Happy Days nostalgia, StarWars, and other crap that pretty much ended anything revolutionary about the 1960s. I associate it with Nixon and Ford and me losing hope that gay liberation was going to turn into a real political movement like the Women's movement had been. I also associate disco with the backlash against second-wave feminism, the most poisonous of old line gender roles was a feature of disco. I associate it with a circle of NYC guys I knew whose lives revolved around clubbing, Ayn Rand was considered an intellectual among them. All of them died of AIDS in the 80s through 00's. I was encouraged to move to The City by a couple of them but when I saw how their lives revolved around going to the Mineshaft and The Toilet, I decided to stay in Maine and keep up with political action. Disco was putrid and the entire scene around it was, too.Saturday Night Fever was hardly a paen to women’s lib; or gay liberation, for that matter. And Travolta’s real sequel to it was Urban Cowpie (I know; but I refuse). Which pretty much marked that disco was over, just as much as SNF announced it was real.
The Need To Revive Shame
'Shut the hell up': Michael Steele blisters Trump over his latest racist attack
— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 29, 2024
What black jobs are you talking about, Mr. Trump?" Steele asked. "I mean, you want to make a play to Black folks, you can't even show up at a [Black] barbershop?"
"You call into a barbershop, and you're going to talk to us about Black jobs? Shut the hell up," he added. " You know, why do we even entertain this crazy from this fool?"Trump means maids and cooks and groundskeepers and construction laborers. You know, the kinds of jobs blacks are qualified for.
Same As It Ever Was 🦕
It’s what killed the dinosaurs.🦖 🦕We are doomed
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 29, 2024
Opinion | Biden must drop out of the race. Unless he is willing to grant us a sit-down interview.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 29, 2024
by the New York Times Editorial Board
Remind me. Did the New York Times do an editorial about how Trump should drop out because of his felony convictions?
— Gayton Gomez 🇺🇦 (@gpgomez) June 29, 2024
It would almost be better if somebody were to say that. But somehow, being the first felon to run for president while awaiting sentencing (and three other felony trials) is not universally advocated as disqualifying.Whether it's Joe Biden speaking in a raspy voice and forgetting the word "Medicaid" for a few moments or it's Donald Trump raping women and being convicted of multiple felonies, neither candidate is fit to hold office.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 28, 2024
So What Else Is New?
(1/X) What struck me about last night's debate is the extent to which Trump was able to say "we had the best this, Biden has the worst this" over and over again, falsely without correction. A system that allows this is a narcissist's paradise....
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 28, 2024
(3/X) And I remember commentators, in particular Ron Fournier, the next day saying Trump won the issue because his bullshit answers resonated better than Jeb's real answers (too wonky, boring, etc.)....
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 28, 2024
(5/X) A system like this favors bullshitters and scammers and punishes those attempting real solutions to problems. That's bad in terms of how it impacts public debate, but the real problem is much worse....
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 28, 2024
Adlai Stevenson is the politician I keep thinking of, the policy wonk with good ideas who rallied the delegates at the ‘52 convention and reluctantly won the nomination. He went on to lose against Ike in ‘52 and ‘56.(7/X) So the rules of the game favor narcissists and that puts narcissists in power. And that's where we are at now.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 28, 2024
Stevenson dramatized the complex feelings of educated elites, some of whom came to adore him not because he was a liberal, but because he was not...he spoke a language that set apart from average Americans an increasingly college-educated population. His approach to voters as rational participants in a process that depended on weighing the issues attracted reformers, intellectuals, and middle-class women with time and money (the "Shakespeare vote", joked one columnist). Or as one enthralled voter wrote "You were too good for the American people."Ike was hardly a narcissist, but Nixon was hardly Ike. Among GOP presidents in the 20th century, in fact, Ike is the anomaly. Nixon had Watergate; Reagan Iran:Contra (and damned near Reykjavik, another kind of scandal); Poppy was eyeballs deep in Iran/Contra and effectively self-pardoned his way out of it; Shrub had the gross incompetence of Katrina and Iraq (WMD that weren’t), and Dick Cheney running the Administration as he and Rumsfeld saw fit; and Trump was Shrub on steroids: even more incompetent, but without even Cheney and Rumsfeld to cover him.
Or The Editorial Boards (NYT and Raw Story)…
...and several “serious people” on political Twitter who think Biden’s raspy voice outweighed all of that.The problem for people who wallow around in the daily cesspool of right-wing media and social media is that they seem utterly incapable of comprehending that most Americans thought their guy was a rambling, racist, misogynistic, ranting lunatic spewing hate and conspiracies.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) June 29, 2024
Friday, June 28, 2024
Surely The People Are Sheeple!
That can’t be right!Fox: New fundraising numbers after last nights debate show last night's showdown between President Biden and Donald Trump. Trump raised $8 million, while the Biden campaign out-raised them at $14 million
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 28, 2024
Obviously the people don’t know what they want.MSNBC: The Biden campaign just announced they raised $14 million both last night and in the early hours of today, as the grassroots supporters of Joe Biden show their support
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 29, 2024
I mean, obviously!shrug emoji no one knows anything....
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) June 28, 2024
The people just don’t understand the importance of performance on TeeVee!Voter: I care about where our country is going to be rather than who delivered the most stellar debate. I care about who tells the truth, who is going to keep me safe, and who is actually going to do things for the country. I don't feel like that's Trump
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 29, 2024
Time For The CW To Put A Cork In It
Now, about the other guy…'Can't continue his race': New York Times Editorial Board asks Biden to retire early
— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 28, 2024
Do we just expect Democrats to be the adults in the room?Trump called war dead losers and suckers. He should step aside as the Republican nominee.
— Mueller, She Wrote (@MuellerSheWrote) June 28, 2024
Trump is an adjudicated rapist. He should step aside as the Republican nominee.
Trump has been convicted on 34 felony charges. He should step aside as the Republican nominee.
Trump is…
All politicians are propagandists. If they propagandize for you, it’s good. If not, it’s bad.That is the point. The debate is about information warfare for Trump. As I said earlier today, you don't let a proven propagandist on stage without stopping him when he lies. Instant refutation is key. Have we learned nothing in the last 9 years?
— Ruth Ben-Ghiat (@ruthbenghiat) June 28, 2024
Biden: I don’t know what you did last night but I spent 90 minutes on a stage debating guy who has the moral of an alley cat. My guess is he set a new record for the most lies told in a single debate.
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
Biden: The only convicted criminal on that stage was Trump. When I thought about his 34 convictions, his sexual assault on a woman in a public place, his being fined for business fraud.. I thought to myself Trump is not just convicted felon, he’s a one man crime wave
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
Biden: For all his lies, we learned some important truths about Trump last night. We learned he’s still proud to be the person that killed Roe V Wade…
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
Biden: We learned that Trump will not respect this year’s election outcome. Three times Trump was asked would he respect the election results…
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
Biden: I give my word as a Biden I would not be running again if I didn’t believe with all my heart and soul that I could do this job.. because the stakes are too high. Trump is a genuine threat to this nation
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
Biden: I know I’m not a young man… I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to, I don’t debate as well as I used to, but I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to get things done. When you get knocked down, you get back up
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
Does Trump even know what that story is about?President Biden came out swinging today and made a complete reset from his debate performance last night. Donald Trump is rambling about his relationship with a fictional cannibal and doubling down on his insanity.
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) June 28, 2024
Trump: We've never been so close to World War 3 before. And if it happens, it will be a war like no other. This because of the threat of certain types of weapons. We don't even want to mention the word. But because of the type of weapons that you're talking about today. And I…
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
And when Trump got tired of talking about Trump:Trump: China, Russia, North Korea…If you have a smart president, they’re not enemies, you’ll make them do great
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
They like him for his gold sneakers and his felony convictions.Trump: They’re taking the Black jobs…
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
And what happens when they fall into the water with sharks?🦈Trump: All they know is electric. They want electric planes. What happens if the sun isn't shining while you're up in the air?
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
"Sir, all of the media are talking about how bad Biden was last night and surfacing chatter of replacing him. I think you should do a rally today and say even more than your usual allotment of insane stuff to try to get the focus back on you."
— Jon Ralston (@RalstonReports) June 28, 2024
Whether it's Joe Biden speaking in a raspy voice and forgetting the word "Medicaid" for a few moments or it's Donald Trump raping women and being convicted of multiple felonies, neither candidate is fit to hold office.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 28, 2024
But Biden’s Voice Was Raspy!
PELOSI to my colleagues @NikolenDC and @aletweetsnews who were outside her office
— Alan He (@alanhe) June 28, 2024
Who Knew?
Biden needs an audience as much as Trump does.Genuinely weird the night and day of this.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) June 28, 2024
Less Than 6%
1/Don't believe the hype
— Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) June 28, 2024
The truth: Supreme Court ruling on #January6th obstruction charge materially affects at most only 5.9% of all Jan. 6th cases.
Some media get this wrong.
I teamed up with two greats—Mary McCord @AWeissmann_—to look at DOJ data⤵️
3/ Many in media mistakenly focus on all defendants DOJ charged with obstruction.
— Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) June 28, 2024
The truth: A quarter of them pleaded guilty but NOT to obstruction. They pleaded to other charges.
Those charges and those sentences are utterly unaffected by Supreme Court’s ruling.
5/ Of the very small number of defendants (48) who pleaded to obstruction and no other offense: a majority of them can be recharged with felonies (per a proviso in plea agreement allowing for this scenario).
— Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) June 28, 2024
The all-important proviso.⤵️
Tl:dr:7/ Mary McCord, @AWeissmann_ and I also make this point:
— Ryan Goodman (@rgoodlaw) June 28, 2024
"The Trump administration’s Department of Justice was the first to use this specific obstruction statute – 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2) – to prosecute individuals who participated in the Capitol riot."
There are no cases in which the Department charged a January 6 defendant only with the offense at issue in Fischer. For the cases affected by today’s decision, the Department will take appropriate steps to comply with the Court’s ruling," Garland also said.
Of the defendants who face misdemeanors, just 2.3 percent, or 33 people, face charges using Section 1512(c)(2), the law the Court decided on Friday. Those defendants also face other crimes, but are also only misdemeanors.Frankly, the case overruling Chevron is more important.
Everybody’s Reading It (Or Should Be)
We’re going to be in a whirlwind of emotional outbursts, severe backbiting, and unsolicited campaign advice from everyone and their mother over the next few days given how last night’s debate went. Most of it will be misdirected as I outline: via @TPM
— David Kurtz (@TPM_dk) June 28, 2024
Onward Thru The Fog
What the now famous Univision focus group heard was Trump returning again and again, unbidden, to his talking point that immigrants are invading the country and taking “our” Social Security and Medicare. Do they all turn 65 when they cross the border? Is there a vast conspiracy to give them SS numbers in violation of the law? A conspiracy that involves hundreds, if not thousands, of government employees?One off night doesn't change the fact that @JoeBiden is the most legislatively successful @POTUS in our lifetime. One off night also doesn't change the fact that the former guy is a convicted felon, serial liar & adjudicated rapist who is unfit for ANY office. Period.
— Mark Hamill (@MarkHamill) June 28, 2024
Get A Grip
I can’t vouch for the legal accuracy of this post, but it points out that reality is not a TeeVee show and there are actually rules in place.Filing deadlines have past in almost every state. There’s provisions that allow replacing a candidate if they die, but replacing Biden at the convention would mean Trump runs unopposed in states like Ohio.
— Samuel Prosser (@Padding_Stats) June 28, 2024
But the freaking out isn’t insulting to the rest of us?
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) June 28, 2024
Concise Talking Points
Dear media folks saying Biden should step off the ticket - why don't you suggest Trump step off? The one who spews unhinged lies, who tried a self-coup, whose own cabinet now doesn't support him? Why don't you call that out? It's both insane and disingenuous... 1/
— capitolhunters (@capitolhunters) June 28, 2024
Trump's "red wave" never happened. His candidates lost in the primaries, over and over again. The Dems have consistently overperformed. Trump's felony conviction is a liability. If you're truly the apolitical advice-giver you claim to be, you'd tell the GOP to dump Trump. 3/
— capitolhunters (@capitolhunters) June 28, 2024
Here's Univision with actual research, not just "feels": undecided Latino voters overwhelmingly said the debate made them choose Biden. Trump could only win by splitting off voters like this. He failed. And there are more of them than there are pundits. 5/
— capitolhunters (@capitolhunters) June 28, 2024
Opinion | Trump may be a threat to American democracy, but Biden was personally a threat to my lazy need to be shoveled concise talking points.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 28, 2024
Dems In Disarray
I woke up this morning with a headache and a sore throat.
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) June 28, 2024
I guess I’m not able to be president.
Republicans: Our candidate was just convicted of felonies, let’s rally around him
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) June 28, 2024
Democrats: Our candidate had a bad debate, let’s toss him overboard
Sharing this for no particular reason
— Bill Scher (@billscher) June 28, 2024
Fetterman tells Democrats to “chill the fuck out,” referencing the Dem panic after his debate with Oz
— Igor Bobic (@igorbobic) June 28, 2024
"I don’t belong to an organized political party. I’m a Democrat.” —Will RogersBut Biden had a cold last night
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) June 28, 2024
(The cherry on that sundae.)The First 2024 Presidential Debate: Biden Floundered, While Trump (Let's Just Say It) Performed With Confidence and Angry Flair
— Variety (@Variety) June 28, 2024
Opinion | Trump may be a threat to American democracy, but Biden was personally a threat to my lazy need to be shoveled concise talking points.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 28, 2024
Thursday, June 27, 2024
Someone On The Debate Stage Was Wrong!
If you’re interested:He is just making this up. It's bonkers.
— Heather Cox Richardson (TDPR) (@HC_Richardson) June 28, 2024
CNN provides their fact check of Trump
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
The shorter version is Trump said everything under his watch was the greatest ever, and anything that went wrong, to the present day, is because the world is against him. It’s rigged, Democratic, or..well at some point, it just became gobbledygook.Cannot fact check this golf exchange
— Daniel Dale (@ddale8) June 28, 2024
The ability and ease for which Trump can lie is sociopathic.
— Resolute Square (@ResoluteSquare) June 28, 2024
Both candidates started slow and by the end hit their respective strides. Biden had the facts, and Trump’s closing statement was… gobbledygook.
Yeah, but how did he sound? Everyone knows that’s what matters! (According to the pundits, that’s the “objective” question!)I don’t know how any reasonable, intelligent person who isn’t a Trump cultist can listen to him tonight & not think he isn’t a stark raving lunatic who knows nothing about policy. He can’t answer a single policy question. His answer to every question is to rant about migrants.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) June 28, 2024
This evening's hysteria will be of particular interest to the leading biographers of presidents Mondale, Dole, Kerry, and Romney
— Aaron Fritschner (@Fritschner) June 28, 2024
I know for some of the Obama inner circle, there will never be another love like that great and pure love of that magic moment in 2008. Everybody else will be like the fourth spouse.
— Stuart Stevens (@stuartpstevens) June 28, 2024
But for Christ sake, show a little character and fight for your guy.
Don't day trade politics. It's a sucker's game. A guy from Queens out on bail bragged about overturning Roe v. Wade, said in public he didn't have sex with a porn star, defended tax cuts for billionaires, defended Jan. 6th. and called America the worst country in the world.
— Stuart Stevens (@stuartpstevens) June 28, 2024
I can't believe I'm hearing this. Chris Wallace on @CNN says Trump told a lot of lies but somehow that was good because he did it "with discipline." A candidate that lies effectively without a rambling rant, still lies. America deserves better than this.
— Mary Ellen Klas (@MaryEllenKlas) June 28, 2024
Rep. @JasmineForUS: To be clear, people can choose between a con in chief or a commander in chief. We saw Trump acting as if he was some used car salesman that wanted to just tell us whatever and pretend as if it was fact. The reality is that our president, Joe Biden, submitted…
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 28, 2024
This is interesting
— MeidasTouch (@MeidasTouch) June 28, 2024
CNN Started The Debate At 7:58…
CNN has said this will start exactly at 9:00 and there will be no delay. The latest conspiracy theory for the Crybaby Party continues though. It’s what they do.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) June 27, 2024
…to make you think it started at 8:00 (CDT). PBS is simulcasting, and in on the fraud.
Pass it on.
Politifact live fact-check is running 4 minutes behind*. Explain that!! Checkmate, libs!
We teach our children to judge people by their character. But here’s why we should choose the next American President based on who has the most “viral” debate moments.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 28, 2024
I was wondering about that.The "third rate magazine" that got the suckers and losers quote was @TheAtlantic. This was when Trump didn't go to a D Day event because he thought the rain would muss his hair
— Clara Jeffery (@ClaraJeffery) June 28, 2024
Fox News' own national security correspondent literally corroborated that Trump called American war dead "loser" and "suckers"
— Charlotte Clymer 🇺🇦 (@cmclymer) June 28, 2024
Trump may be lying, but he's telling his lies in a deep voice
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 28, 2024
It was non-existent.Trump’s answer on January 6 was completely unhinged.
— George Conway (@gtconway3d) June 28, 2024
I thought Biden was going to be drugged up?
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) June 28, 2024
I blame poor debate planning.NEW: Two sources familiar with the situation say “President Biden has a cold.”
— Kelly O'Donnell (@KellyO) June 28, 2024
“I didn’t have sex with a porn star” is now a line in the presidential political discourse.
— Ali Vitali (@alivitali) June 28, 2024
I can’t disagree. Most debates aren’t any better than that. This one is just a bit more so.My group of undecided voters are moving away from Trump as he gets more and more vicious towards Biden.
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) June 28, 2024
They complain that this sounds like a senior citizen bingo hall argument.
Cognitive tests! Drink!Trump in response to a question about child care: "If he wins this election ... we probably won't have a country left anymore."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 28, 2024
And he plays golf! You have to be smart to play golf!⛳️ (now they’re arguing about their golf swings).(Two old men in a bingo hall)Trump insists he’s not cognitively impaired because he “took” a “test” that included pictures of a lion, a giraffe, a whale, and a shark and could identify which one was a lion
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 28, 2024
oh my god the old guys are arguing about golf kill me
— Kat Abu (@abughazalehkat) June 28, 2024
It's almost quaint to remember how panicked Dems were in 2012 when Obama came out a little flat, and wee bit blah, in his first debate against Mitt.
— Glenn Thrush (@GlennThrush) June 28, 2024
Okay, that was a good one.Trump: I aced them
— Acyn (@Acyn) June 28, 2024
Biden: You can see he is six foot five and only 225 pounds. I'm happy to play golf with you if you carry your own bag. Think you can do it?
Without golf carts or caddies, on a course chosen by a neutral third party.Actually these two having a golf match and winner is President is a great idea.
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) June 28, 2024
Evergreen.Dems in Disarray
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) June 25, 2024
*Or struggling to keep up.
Pre-Debate Coverage
What? No adenochrome?BREAKING: Sources tell me Biden is now being lowered into the tub of gelatinous cells harvested from young people where he will soon be injected with the Super Soldier serum
— Rex Huppke (@RexHuppke) June 27, 2024
I don't know what they've got in these performance enhancers, but I'm feeling pretty jacked up.
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) June 28, 2024
Try it yourselves, folks.
See you in a bit:
I’m sure Biden’s team is pacing back and forth and smoking packs of cigs trying to figure out how to match wits with Bizzarro Clarence Darrow…
— Lazy Boss (@midlevelmgmt) June 27, 2024
A quick reminder of a real train of thought just said 3 weeks ago by Donny Bag O Donuts
Historical Melania watch.Meanwhile, Melania is off shopping. Or rearranging her sock drawer. YMMV.
— emptywheel (chuckles) (@emptywheel) June 27, 2024
And who can blame her?!
What the debate is really about.Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene on what will happen if Republicans control the federal govt next year: "We're going to wipe out these government agencies, we're gonna gut them ... I know we hate the government. I hate them just as must as you do."
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) June 28, 2024
Biden camp sees two 'best' fundraising hours of entire campaign just before debate: report
— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 28, 2024
An electrified crowd erupts into chants of “four more years” as President Biden greets supporters in Atlanta ahead of tonight's debate
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 27, 2024
Sun’s going down.A feeble and tired Donald Trump slowly trods down the stairs
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 27, 2024
Next Stop: Criminalizing Menstruation And Masturbation
The Republican Party.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) June 27, 2024
Debate Preview!
Well @sarahcpr is back
— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) June 27, 2024
Making Sure White People Are In Charge Since 1492
Rep. @AyannaPressley: Donald Trump and his MAGA allies have blatantly laid out their plans in Project 2025, a 1,000-page bucket list of extremist policies. MAGA Republicans want to sabotage the Educational Opportunity Center, rewrite the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and push us all…
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) June 27, 2024
That We Would Live To See Such Days
I’m a Christian, and my daughter attended an Episcopal school through middle school. I expected some Christian teachings there. But not in the public school she attended for high school.Imagine how Jewish, Muslim and other non-Christian Oklahoma students would feel about that.
— Bradley P. Moss (@BradMossEsq) June 27, 2024
Or… could just look at the results of the decision.Don't be fooled that this is some softening of the Court's position on abortion. It's a deliberate assist to the GOP to postpone their ruling until after the election so Trump and GOP candidates don't have to carry it in November.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) June 27, 2024
Or Maybe Biden Can Get Trump To Talk About The Benefits Of Being A Convicted Felon
'Cringe': Internet scorches Trump as he brags to Black barbershop of having 'best' mugshot
— Raw Story (@RawStory) June 26, 2024
Since this has happened — the mugshot — the mugshot is the best ev- it just beat Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra by a lot by the way, beat 'em by a lot," the former president touted over the phone as V.P. hopeful Rep. Byron Donalds, who is Black, sat at the roundtable. "But that's the number one mugshot of all time. It's really an amazing thing. Since it happened, the support among the Black community and the Hispanic community has skyrocketed. It's been amazing. Really it's been amazing. It's been actually very nice to see."
He added: "In one way, you say, 'gee isn't that too bad?' But the truth is it's really a lovely thing when I see that, we have great support now in the Black community and in the Hispanic community."The great public racists of my childhood were not so tone deaf or clueless as this man is. The support he brags about from the publication of his mug shot is as real as his “Sir” stories. What’s sad is that he believes them; and hasn’t a clue what a blatant racist he is. Thurmond, Helms, Wallace; even Bull Connor was not as ignorant as this. Several of them had to campaign for office after the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. And none of them, nor anyone since, has pandered so foolishly and publicly.
Does he know other channels are broadcasting the debate? And if they don’t provide a two-minute delay?The whining and crying continues.
— Ron Filipkowski (@RonFilipkowski) June 27, 2024