Thursday, June 27, 2024

Or Maybe Biden Can Get Trump To Talk About The Benefits Of Being A Convicted Felon

Since this has happened — the mugshot — the mugshot is the best ev- it just beat Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra by a lot by the way, beat 'em by a lot," the former president touted over the phone as V.P. hopeful Rep. Byron Donalds, who is Black, sat at the roundtable. "But that's the number one mugshot of all time. It's really an amazing thing. Since it happened, the support among the Black community and the Hispanic community has skyrocketed. It's been amazing. Really it's been amazing. It's been actually very nice to see." 
He added: "In one way, you say, 'gee isn't that too bad?' But the truth is it's really a lovely thing when I see that, we have great support now in the Black community and in the Hispanic community."
The great public racists of my childhood were not so tone deaf or clueless as this man is. The support he brags about from the publication of his mug shot is as real as his “Sir” stories. What’s sad is that he believes them; and hasn’t a clue what a blatant racist he is. Thurmond, Helms, Wallace; even Bull Connor was not as ignorant as this. Several of them had to campaign for office after the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act. And none of them, nor anyone since, has pandered so foolishly and publicly.

He really needs to do it in the debate stage.

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