Friday, June 21, 2024

I’ve Seen This Movie Before

In the early ‘80’s, my brother moved to NYC. By that time NYC was, in the popular imagination, a crime-ridden hellhole . I first learned the word “mugging,” in connection with NYC. I knew the word as something you did with your face. It had nothing to do with crime.  Movies traded on the reputation for being mugged in NYC to the point that if you didn’t portray life there as lived behind triple bolted doors, and thinking constantly of survival on the streets, you would be making a pitiful fantasy. The New York life of  “Seinfeld” was far too clean and civilized for the ‘ 70’s and ‘80’s. In popular culture, at least.

So the Lovely Wife and I went to visit my brother and his wife shortly after he moved there. The biggest cultural shock was strangers sitting at the empty seats at your table. Other than that, NYC was perfectly lovely. Come to think of it, my Aunt lived in the city for years, and never reported any problems.

We went to Manhattan almost every night; and during the day, when they were working. We traveled almost exclusively by subway. We had a grand time.

Giuliani knocked down the image/reality of crime in the city. I think so little of Giuliani now, I suspect he pumped up the image of crime, so he could save the city from it. I’m certain the image of NYC never matched the reality.

And now it’s time to start over again. This time with xenophobia replacing the racism.

It will be interesting to see if popular culture changes plays along.

*I forgot to mention we sent the Golden Child there in the summer (she was maybe 17) for a few weeks at an art school (in Brooklyn? I know we stayed in Brooklyn.). She made friends, traveled around a bit, and we drove up to get her and spend a few days in town. Again, a lovely time, and lovely people. No, I wouldn’t want to live there. I’m old and set in my ways. But it’s not a bad place to visit, at all.

1 comment:

  1. My 14yo son, who has a great deal of anxiety, never once reported feeling scared when he was in NYC last week.
