Thursday, June 27, 2024

CNN Started The Debate At 7:58…

 …to make you think it started at 8:00 (CDT). PBS is simulcasting, and in on the fraud.

Pass it on.

Politifact live fact-check is running 4 minutes behind*. Explain that!! Checkmate, libs!

I was wondering about that.

Gotta admit:  36 minutes in and I’m ready to go back to Netflix. Although then I would have missed Trump going full isolationist (“Because we have an ocean in between “) and saying Israel should clear the West Bank of all life.

Maybe I’ll put the remote back down.

And then Trump refuses to take any responsibility for J6. It also seems Pelosi AND the mayor of D.C. are now responsible for not taking “10,000 NG soldiers” when Trump offered them. When did Trump offer them? 

Good, now Trump went on to call the J6 committee members criminals, Biden kicked that door open with Trump’s actual felony conviction.

Trump’s reply: “I know what Hunter is, what am I?”

Biden runs down Trump’s list of trials, and Trump whines about how put upon he is and how everyone loves him.

I just remember Trump talked like this in 2020, and he was the incumbent. And he lost. I think he’s reminding people why he lost 4 years ago.

The Charlottesville story (“Good people on both sides”) has been debunked? What color is the sky on his planet?
It was non-existent. I blame poor debate planning. I can’t disagree. Most debates aren’t any better than that. This one is just a bit more so.

More and more Trump is responding to Biden’s jibes rather than answering the question put to him. Apparently when he was President “we bought a dog” to control drug trafficking at the border. Yes, that’s a direct quote.

Trump is getting more and more defensive and less and less sensible.
Cognitive tests! Drink! And he plays golf! You have to be smart to play golf!⛳️  (now they’re arguing about their golf swings).(Two old men in a bingo hall) Okay, that was a good one. Without golf carts or caddies, on a course chosen by a neutral third party. Evergreen.

Trump ended the debate with a full-blown word salad that made no sense whatsoever.  2 minutes out of a Trump rally speech.

And frankly, debates always mean more to the pundits than to the voters.

*Or struggling to keep up.

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