Thursday, June 27, 2024


It's galling and it has been galling to me for some time that Donald Trump repeats something enough that everybody believes it's true, even people in the media that talk about how great the economy was under Donald Trump," Scarborough said. "When you go back before the pandemic, if you don't count, the economy was the best ever. No, it wasn't, it wasn't even close. I know a lot of people hate numbers and they hate facts, and I understand a lot of people in Trumpland, they're snowflakes and, like, it's their feelings that matter, they lead with their feelings. But here are the facts: Before the pandemic, America's GDP was 2.5 percent, all right? Post-World War II, that's not the greatest performance ever. That ranks Donald Trump eighth, eighth, behind LBJ, behind Jimmy Carter, behind Reagan, behind Ike, behind Nixon – I could go on and on." 
"Find eight presidents post-World War II, and Donald Trump did worse than most of them on GDP growth, yet Donald Trump is going to keep lying about the greatest economy ever before the pandemic," Scarborough added. "No, he didn't. It wasn't anywhere close to the greatest economy ever. I just wonder how much longer moderators and others are going to allow this lie to continue to fester. It's a lie that is having an impact on this race."
Sometime after the NYT goes out of business? And stops setting the standards for “objective reporting”?

Meanwhile, the Supreme Court just “calls balls and strikes.” And journalists are just…stenographers.

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