Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Joe Scarborough Nutshells It For You

"Yeah, they can just hop up and suddenly turn around and suddenly have the largest NATO alliance in world history, and you have the best jobs numbers in 50 years," Scarborough continued. "They can take a swig of Mountain Dew one moment, the next moment the dollar could be at a 50-year high. They can snort that Mountain Dew up, and since they're so old it's coming out through the nose, and that gives them the inspiration to and they say to themselves, 'Hey, I may be completely out of it but I'm going to do something that none of the preceding five presidents did, and I'm going to put together more bipartisan legislation than any other president since [Lyndon B. Johnson] – that's what I'm going to do." 
"This is desperation, and like you say, like, you know, this shows how nervous they are," Scarborough added. "This is not how somebody who is confident acts. I never heard Larry Bird talking about, Magic Johnson is probably going to be jacked up on Mountain Dew, we're not going to be able to beat the Lakers. I can't believe I'm saying this, Trump is scared out of his mind. He's whining and whimpering because Joe Biden may just beat him really badly. I don't know, you tell me – why are they running so scared from Joe Biden, a guy who they've spent the last eight years saying is out of his mind?"
No notes. Except to wonder why the “objective” political press can’t report it that way.

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