Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Imagine That!

Two of downtown Milwaukee’s most iconic venues, the Pabst Theater and Riverside Theater, will likely sit empty during the convention, he said, as will the Vivarium and The Fitzgerald, which are both located on Milwaukee’s East Side. Turner Hall Ballroom will host a yet-to-be announced organization, but that arrangement was made for the DNC in 2020 before the convention went mostly virtual. 
Witt characterized the RNC planning as “underwhelming” and a “failure.” “ 
It’s 100% a case of ‘overpromise, underdeliver,’ on all parts, by everybody,” he said. 
“We were told it was going to be one way over and over and over and over again when (the RNC) was confirmed, and it has turned out to be almost anything but the way that we were told it was going to turn out,” Witt said. “We were sold a storyline of how this is going to go, and basically it didn't go anything at all like the storyline that we were sold.”
A Trump event, in other words. ETTD. It’s an iron rule of the universe. Irony alert: "despite Trump’s takeover of the RNC.”

And somehow this seems to fit:
The RNC can’t organize a two-man funeral procession. The local Democratic parties are organized enough to be hiring. Guess they’ve got the money for campaigning, huh?

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