Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Hallelujah! He is Risen, Indeed!

Like many good things, this comes from Wounded Bird. I am taking it out of the context of the problems of the Anglican Communion because it is such a true and good thing:

Communion is never created and developed by the letter. The true communion is nurtured by the Spirit. The true communion is life. The paschal mystery that we live in this liturgical season is an unmistakable demonstration of what we need to re-affirm. Faith in the Risen Christ does not presuppose text, but rather an open heart and a humble faith. It was the event of the Resurrection and the affective perception of it that generated a Community, a Communion.
Brazilian Bishops respond to the St Andrews's Draft of the Covenant

I post this, not to emphasize the Christian confession and so set boundaries around my audience, but to emphasize the fundamental importance of human experience, especially the human experience that arises from humility and an open heart. That will allow us to discard some of those boundaries we all set up in order to make ourselves feel safer.

Besides, I just like the way they put it.

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