Friday, October 18, 2019

Trump is Erdogan's Bitch

Which follows on the news from yesterday:
Not that there was any doubt, anyway:
And clearly "Friend" doesn't mean what Trump thinks it means:
“I used it to say, I can be more presidential. Look,” Trump said, as he shuffled awkwardly on stage.

“All you have to do is look like a stiff,” he said.
Your national representative to the world, America.  Cherish it.

1 comment:

  1. It makes me think of the line in The Lion in Winter, when Henry II taunts Eleanor of Aquitaine only with Trump its like he's an anti-democratic draw bridge. He'll put out for any gangster he figures he can get money from. I once told someone I couldn't think of Melania without thinking of her as "The First Prostitute" but I think it's just as true for her husband. Mr. Prostitute.
