Sunday, January 09, 2022

Pray Tell, “Christianity Today”…

Which “church” is “post-Christian.” Or have you just joined the rest of us who are not “evangelical”
(even if we are, just in the old sense)?

Or does being “post-Christian” mean you recognize other Christian churches as legitimate?

No, probably it means there are no legitimate Christian churches anymore. Somehow the rest of us will soldier on.

The article itself is far better than the headline. But Russell Moore’s analysis of the state of the evangelical/fundamentalist branch of Xianity is that it has sold its soul for a mess of pottage and replaced Christ with the world, in the person and politics of Donald Trump. It’s not a bad analysis as far as that, but it begs a question: what about the church changed after Dr. King’s critique from Birmingham jail, and when did it change so Mr. Moore can diagnose the change back? Because I can’t slip a piece of paper between the church Dr. King described and the one Mr. Moore describes. Although I don’t think the problem he describes is limited to the branch Moore addresses.

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