Sunday, March 27, 2022

Not The Distinction You Are Looking For

I mean, sure, if you ignore her reply:
Thomas: “Thank you!! Needed that! This plus a conversation with my best friend just now… I will try to keep holding on. America is worth it!”
Not exactly a rejection of Meadows’ “religious zeal.” One might even think Meadows knew how to pitch his argument to her. And it seems to have worked.

You know, you can’t slice the baloney so thin it only has one side.
Mighty white of 'em. Good thing they met after ‘67, too. "And certainly pray about this…”

Meadows was preaching to the choir, and he knew it.

1 comment:

  1. I have a feeling Clarence tries with all his might to do what her aunt did, every day, especially on the job.
