Saturday, April 09, 2022

This Is Not A Bad Thing

But it underlines the reason Justice doesn't discuss ongoing criminal investigations: There's even a cute picture, for those of you into graphics: (That one got a lot of attention in certain quarters.) No, I don't think this is a thread about how "doomed" all the persons named therein are (although I will not a liberal use of all caps in tweets not the final one).  I'm just saying, if this was a GOP Administration and Democrats were under investigation (hem hem James Comey investigating Hillary Clinton, hem hem), the people asking "WHERE THE HELL IS MERRICK GARLAND????!!!!????!!!!!" would instead be shouting "WHAT THE HELL IS DOJ UP TO?????!!!!????!!!!"

Sauce.  Goose. Gander.

I prefer the DOJ remain silent about ongoing investigations.  We the people have no "right" to know who they are investigating, or why, or what their investigation is turning up.  Prosecutors look for evidence upon which to prosecute, not for evidence upon which to acquit.  All the individuals and groups and categories named above may be as guilty as sin or as guileless as doves.  It is not up to me to decide their guilt or innocence, or certainly to condemn them as lawbreakers when the law has not even determined to bring criminal charges.  "Evidence" in news reports doesn't meet the standards of evidence in a courtroom, and it's a damned good thing, too.  As I will say ad nauseum, "Lock 'em up!" is a stupid sentiment that is autocratic and tyrannical no matter which side of the political spectrum chants it.

I will take reports like this as proof DOJ is doing its job (something we couldn't be sure of under Trump and Barr).  I will not take it as evidence harsh prison terms will soon be handed down.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed but Hillary Clinton is the American most investigated and continually found unindictable so many times that she must be the most demonstrably innocent American of all time. No one in our history has been held to the same standard that she has. And yet James Comey found a way to screw her along with the NYT and the rest of the media. And in the process they screwed us all royally.
