Sunday, January 22, 2023

Paying The Piper

Tl:dr here is Trump and some of his attorneys are jointly and severally liable for the sanctions recently imposed in federal court. Trump took that seriously enough to drop the other frivolous suit he had before the same judge.

Jointly and severally means if he doesn’t pay the lawyer(s) pay(s) everything.  I'm a little unclear (it's been too long) who moves the court to enforce these sanctions. I presume the defendants jointly and severally can do so.  Trump will duck that like they were ugly women wanting a selfie.  I do remember doing collections work.  It's a bitch unless you have a corporation or an insurance company on the line.  They may exhaust legal resources, but they will pay.  Individuals?  Good effin' luck. Lawyers, on the other hand, have more to lose if they defy court orders.

Will Trump appeal this?  The lawyers might want to, but they might not want to represent Trump while doing it, unless he pays upfront for their services.  Myself, I'd insist on a bond or $500,000 in escrow just to keep him from skipping out when the appellate courts don't reduce the fines (they might) or throw out the fines altogether (they might not).  I seriously wouldn't represent the guy further knowing he might (will) leave me holding the bag.

Then again, how much has Trump paid Habba already?  Probably not what he owes, and he's most likely not happy to discuss her bill now.  But that's the price you pay for representing a guy known to stiff his suppliers and contractors (which is how he sees lawyers, I'm sure).

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