Sunday, July 23, 2023

It's Deja Vu All Over Again

If I'd invested in third-party wannabes making this same argument this same time of year in every four-year cycle for the Presidency since I became aware of politics (which I attribute to the victory of LBJ over Goldwater in 1964. I'm pretty sure all I knew was that LBJ was from Texas, as I was. And I remember getting up the morning after and asking my father, all wide-eyed and innocent, who won. "The goddamned Democrats won everything!", he spat out. My silent thought was: "I thought we were the god-damned Democrats." And I've been a yellow-dog Democrat ever since. But I digress....); as I was saying, if I'd invested early in those futures, I'd be a rich man today.

This third-party claptrap is as perennial as the fight between donkeys and elephants.  And the last time it had any real meaning was Clinton v. Bush.  And everyone agreed later Perot brought more people out to vote than "stole" votes from Bush.  That's a perennial argument, too: that a third party candidate doesn't "grow the pie," but "unfairly" steals from the slice of one of the two major party candidates. Boo-frickin'-hoo.

But this crap that voters want a "new alernative"?  Voters say that to pollsters four years at a time, then go to the polls (or, more likely, don't) and the two majors are always the beneficiaries.

Put money in your purse.

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