Thursday, July 27, 2023

This Day Just Keeps On Giving

How bad is it? In other words, Trump wants to keep doing what he’s accused of doing:
Oh, no, that’s not all the day brought:
I want you to listen ... this is Trump discussing the classified documents over at Bedminster, his country club in New Jersey, which he's now — he's now facing additional charges for possessing these documents over at beBedminster," said Blitzer, playing the audio footage of Trump bragging about possessing the document. “He's having a discussion along these lines, as you see, this is audio that the special counsel has obtained. Pretty powerful evidence going forward ... highly classified information." 
"Wolf, this to me is the single most important incident alleged in this entire indictment," said Honig. "Here's Donald Trump months after he left the White House and talking about war plans. He's alluding to documents. You can hear papers being shuffled, but the question is does he actually have a classified document in front of him that he's showing to these civilians with no security clearance?" 
The new indictment confirms the answer, Honig continued: "Those papers he was shuffling, yes, they were classified documents, they're related to war plans, and DOJ has that document. That is now a new charge in this indictment." 
"And that makes that incident so much worse than just Donald Trump exaggerating or bragging or bluffing, as he has suggested," Honig added. "This means he actually had that classified document in his possession. He was showing it to others, he was bragging about it, he was disseminating it, to use the legalistic word."
And if you think Trump’s getting his legal advice primarily from Tom Fitton: It is amazing, isn’t it?

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