Saturday, June 01, 2024

Impotence R Us

The public display of impotence is almost impressive. Second only to the public displays of ignorance. And this presents a rare combination. It also clinches it: Todd Blanche is one of the stupidest lawyers I’ve ever seen. This is not playing at stupid. It’s just flat stupid. Even for a Trump lawyer. Ready. Fire. Aim. You know there are legal problems with investigating crimes without reasonable suspicion? It’s a actually illegal. The displays of impotence are astounding. Because the GOP is innocent as a matter of law. That’s in the constitution; or it will be, if they can get it to Alito. See? You can make that the first point in the application for appeal to the Appellate Division. I’ve learned the true sign of ignorance is absolute confidence in your complete lack of knowledge or understanding. And the shameless public display of same. See? And then there are people who should know what’s going on, but make their living proving they don’t. Exhibit A:
This calls for some palate cleansers: It's no longer parody when it actually happens. Like this:

1 comment:

  1. Todd Blanche, Eli Hoenig, the antics of the fabled SDNY in the last weeks of the 2016 election and immediately before the hush money case started, I think there needs to be an investigation of that office for both incompetence and political rigging because any place that would hire and hold onto those two and do what they've done to sandbag Hillary Clinton and to try to delay the start of this trial stinks.
