Tuesday, June 18, 2024

“Fuck Your Feelings!”

 Let’s start with the “legal analysis,” where J.D. Vance says: “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” 🧐 

The vice-presidential thing—look, here’s what this would’ve looked like if you really wanted to do this. You would’ve actually tried to go to the states that had problems; you would try to marshal alternative slates of electors, like they did in the election of 1876. And then you have to actually prosecute that case; you have to make an argument to the American people . . . 
I think the entire post-2020 thing would have gone a lot better if there had actually been an effort to provide alternative slates of electors and to force us to have that debate. I think it would’ve been a much better thing for the country. Do I think Joe Biden would still be president right now? Yeah, probably. But at least we would have had a debate. And instead what we had was the Jenna Ellis legal clown show and no real debate about the election. And now every time we bring it up, it’s like, ‘Well, yeah, we litigated all these things.’ No, you can’t litigate these things judicially; you have to litigate them politically. And we never had a real political debate about the 2020 election . . . 
Even under a circumstance where the alternative-electors thing works, and [Trump’s] president again, he would have served four years and retired and enjoyed his life and played golf. The idea that this sets off a sequence where Donald Trump becomes the dictator of America is completely preposterous. He was using the constitutional procedures.
First, the Electoral Vote Count Act was passed because of the election of 1876. That situation is not, and never has been, an exemplar of how Presidential elections should be run.

Second, fraud is always litigated in the courts. That’s how fraud is determined. Vance’s argument here is “.Fuck your laws and your feelings, but pay special attention to MY feelings!” Yeah, that’s another reason Art. III established a court system. We litigate fraud, we don’t leave it to politicians to declare my actions valid and yours fraudulent. That’s just a way of rephrasing Stalin: “How many votes does the law have?”

Third:  all those alternative electors he’s on about? Most are being prosecuted for…wait for it!…criminal violations of the law. Should we instead debate their guilt/ignorance in a national plebiscite? This ain’t Socrates’ Athens, ya know.
It was a mistake, Vance maintains, to spend all that time trying to prove fraud. The fact that millions of Republicans believed there had been fraud was enough: Republicans should’ve jumped straight into trying to seize the presidency by political force. Otherwise, Vance argues, “an entire section of our democratic republic would’ve had their concerns ignored.”
"Fuck your feelings! My feelings are the ones that count!”

I would love to see J.D. Vance as the VP candidate. Kamala Harris could just ligh him up over this shit.

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