Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Candyman Can!

Ronny Jackson Johnson speaks from experience.
"Some of those are drugs that are engineered to try and help with your cognition. Some of them are just to try and make you more awake - the amphetamine-type drugs like adderall and things of that nature, and then there's things like provigil that increase your alterness. So, I think they're probably trying to find just the right mix of stuff that can wake him up and make him a little bit more alert and with it."
The "he" there refers to President Biden, not to former President and convicted felon Donald Trump. “Candyman” might have a point: if he was Biden’s White House physician, and Biden’s family and staff didn’t give s shit about Biden’s health. Or if Biden, for that matter, didn’t exercise regularly, and gorged himself on fast food.
During his tenure as White House Physician, Jackson pushed out prodigious amounts of drugs, including a massive amount of the very same drugs he is now accusing Biden of using - Adderall and Provigil.
Like I said, the Candyman’s not there anymore. Everybody remembers the kid in grade school who blamed you for what he had done. It’s the oldest dodge in the book. And there’s going to be a much larger audience for the debate than there is for Hannity’s show. Actions speak much louder than words. Hannity and Jackson Johnson are doing no more than providing MAGA a security blanket and a pacifier to suck on. Looks like 107,000 people, right?

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