Wednesday, September 15, 2021

It's IHC's Fault Paul Ray Is Inconvenienced

Rep. Paul Ray, R-Clearfield made the comment during a hearing on what lawmakers could do to thwart President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for businesses. Ray was riffing on whether people should be required to be vaccinated.

“It’s a person’s choice. If you choose not to get vaccinated, you get sick and you die. That’s on you. That’s your call,” Ray said.

So we should leave them in the streets to die?  Send them back home rather than treat them in hospitals?  What about smoking in public spaces?  Drunk driving?  Driving without a seatbelt?

Unprompted, Ray shifted to the reports that ICU beds in Utah were beyond capacity because unvaccinated people were being hospitalized due to the runaway spread of the delta variant.

“IHC says they’re out of space. They’re not out of space. They’re out of employees. They chased their doctors away. They chased their nurses away. They made it hell for their employees,” Ray said. “They got caught in the middle of a pandemic trying to change their business model to increase their billion-dollar bottom line so they can make more money. They got caught with their pants down. Now all of a sudden it’s our fault.” 

I'm old enought to remember when government was supposed to provide aid, promote the general welfare, insure domestic tranquility, stuff like that.  Is this supposed to help people, statements like this?  This complete abdication and outright rejection of responsibility?  Why do people like this hold public office?  Clean work and no heavy lifting, the hours are good and the pay's not bad and you get good benefits? 

Can we turn people like this out into the streets and revive the ancient concept of "outlaw"?  That's what he's doing when he says people choose to get sick and die and it's nobody else's problem.  He's call them "outlaws."  The word originally meant literally outside of the king's protection, beyond the law.  What happened to you was your problem, even the king didn't consider you a subject any longer.  Your death at the hands of others was of no concern to society.  Can we treat this guy that way, see how good an idea he thinks it is then?

Or can we just get him the fuck out of government?  Honestly, I've had my fill of these yahoos.  Let 'em go back home and scream at the television where they won't harm the rest of us.

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