Saturday, January 15, 2022

Annals Of (Mis)Governance

If they’d been able to get 7 Governors from those 7 states to rescind their previous approval of their electors, and then get Pence to violate the Electoral Vote Count Act, it would have worked! If not for those meddling laws and those meddling kids! Er, Governors and state officials, seeing as not one state presented two official slates of electors. Which is what really blew the hole in their plan. Although it doesn’t have to be an effective plan in order to be a conspiracy.

Then again, we weren’t dealing with geniuses:
“It is highly likely that the letter was fabricated and shared on the Internet by Russian influence agents, who wanted to create confusion and a possible conflict between Denmark, the USA and Greenland," it said.
So, Sen. Cotton got it off the internet, bought it because, if it’s on the internet it must be true!, and sold it to the POTUS. The Russians succeeded because there were so many witless, gullible clowns on our side. 🤡 

Maybe next Sen. Cotton can help Sen. Marshall find Dr. Fauci’s financial disclosure forms. As long as he doesn’t find the Russian fakes again.

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