Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Tell Me How This Works Again...

MTG's personal Twitter account was suspended. Her official account is still operating, but maybe no one on her staff has given her the password? Then her (personal?) account on Facebook was suspended, both times because she was spreading dangerous lies. She announces the Facebook ban on Telegram, which gets reported by Raw Story.

Is she silenced?

And McCarthy takes this opportunity (without naming her, because that would give her power?) to say "lockdowns and school closings" are being reversed.  Really?  

The rapidly spreading omicron variant of the coronavirus has upended the holiday season for many Texans and forced the cancellations of thousands of flights.

(Yeah let's skip lightly over the disruption of holiday travel due to sick flight crews who couldn't man planes for passengers, as planned.  Nothing to see here, folks!)

It has also prompted school districts in the Northeast and Midwest to take measures like limiting winter sports activities and temporarily returning to remote learning, though that is not the case in Texas, where the state government has prohibited school districts from requiring that teachers and students be vaccinated or wear masks. (Many districts are defying the mask mandate prohibition.) For now, schools are largely sticking to what they already have been doing to control the virus’s spread.

Which is doubly weird because FoxNews is complaining that local government (yeah, who put them in charge?  George Soros?) is not following CDC guidelines (now my head hurts):

Yeah, Abbott is freaking out over the need for more testing centers in major urban areas of Texas, and demanding Biden supply both testing supplies and personnel, as well as more treatment for coronavirus since unvaccinated Texans are using up the nation's supply.  But sure, everything about covid is "being reversed."  Is McCarthy Trump's stooge, or DeSantis' Surgeon General? 

It's really weird when Florida is making Texas look rational.

And "Big Tech" companies are not using the "shield" of "Section 230."  They are relying on the First Amendment and the fact that they are PRIVATE COMPANIES which operate according to a set of rules and conditions everybody "AGREED" to and didn't read, but which are perfectly enforceable at law.

If Blogger decided this blog was too incendiary (it would mean somebody had noticed!) and suspended me, would that be the denial of "diversity of opinion" in the "lifeblood of our democracy"?  Nah.  I could go to Telegram, too (if I could find it; I'm old and not all that internet-savvy).

As I recall, Congresspersons still have the franking privilege.  MTG can bulk mail her 700,000 constituents all kinds of crap about how silenced she is as a member of Congress.  That's something even the pooh-bahs of Twitter and Facebook can't do.

I'd say the playing field is level, wouldn't you?

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