Sunday, March 13, 2022

Cut The Cord

Tucker Carlson stays on the "air" (is cable='air'?) because of cable fees.

Sometime back people crowed because Carlson lost so many sponsors.  Turns out that doesn't matter; FoxNews makes most of its nut from cable fees.  You pay for cable, cable pays for FoxNews.  Sponsors are a small part of their revenue, v. broadcast TV (which, full disclosure, my TeeVee is on.  I've been on cable, I've been on satellite, now with digital TV and "smart TV's," I'm on broadcast).

So if you really want to hurt Tucker Carlson, ignore him.  Completely.  I know what Carlson's up to because of Rupar and others on Twitter, and no, it's not their fault Carlson is still a household name (so to speak).  But cut cable, you cut Carlson/FoxNews's revenue stream.  Cut cable, you ignore Carlson, too.  Or cut satellite, or however you get FoxNews.  Starve the beast.

I know the conventional wisdom is that if you ignore the beast, the beast jumps you from behind, having grown to mythic tiger size (bigger than a regular tiger, which is bad enough).  Bunk.  Everything the GOP has been doing that led to Trump, they did in plain sight.  Q-Anon is all over Twitter, mostly beceause people report on Q-Anon nonsense.  Or Proud Boys, or whoever.  Keeping up with it may be a worthy job for the Southern Poverty Law Center, but for the rest of us?  What, you think you're attention is magical, and affects the "bad guys" in some way?  Yeah, you're that important.

What’s funny is how important the world is, and how unimportant Carlson is:
Which sounds bad (but it's what, 1% of the country?), except which part is the tail, and which part the dog?
We’ll, that didn’t last long. Conspiracy theories ain’t what they used to be? But we barely had time to be terrified by the falsehoods of that one!

Kill cable.  Kill satellite.  Disney and HBOMax and anything else you want to watch is streaming anyway (the old excuses for having cable).  Save your money, and quit giving it to "bad guys."  Isn't that what we're supposed to be doing anyway?

1 comment:

  1. I remember when people thought it was a "genius move" for Rick Kaplan to lure Tucker away from PBS (yeah, he was on "educational TV) to the then pre-liberal ghetto MSNBC. Them having him on PBS was after I'd already pretty much decided that PBS was garbage, it merely confirmed it.
    Then the Kennedy School's Shorenstein Center made Kaplan a Fellow for his brilliance in media. I'd known Harvard was a brothel a lot longer than that, already.
