Thursday, December 01, 2022


During an interview on Thursday, radio host John Fredericks asked the Trump-supporting pillow monger what "vision" he would bring to the Republican Party if he successfully unseats Chair Ronna McDaniel.

"Immediately — this wouldn't be a long-term thing — immediately, I would check out the lawyers and probably fire them all," Lindell replied. "Get all new lawyers in and all new legal advisers because they don't know what they're doing, and that's a fact."

The pillow executive complained that he had "spent tens of millions of dollars on lawyers and people to investigate our election systems."

"They need to be fixed!" Lindell continued. "They need to spend their money from their donors to, you know, to make sure that these — our election systems are fixed so that when they do get behind the candidates, and they do these processes and they are going ground game and all this stuff that that money is spent to the best it can be spent."

First, as George Conway first pointed out, the GOP is full of illiterates:

Who is "they" who need to be "fixed"? Dogs? Cats? Donors? And does he understand lawyers don't "fix" election systems, legislatures do? Does he also understand lawyers don't decide who wins and who loses, courts do? 60+ cases and Trump lost everyone of them; that wasn't because the lawyers needed to be fired. Or maybe it was:
The Arizona Republic reports that Cochise County officials this week were caught "flat footed" when the attorney they announced would represent them in court this week declined to appear in court on their behalf.

Making matters worse, the newspaper writes, the attorney that he recommended to the county as an alternative also turned down their offer.

The Cochise County officials are due in court this afternoon, as Governor-elect Katie Hobbs has demanded that they certify their results, which were supposed to have been certified by this past Monday.

The lawyers are getting smarter.  At this rate Lindell won't need to fire them; they'll all have quit.  And the odds of the court giving Cochise County any sympathy are nil.  This is a simple mandamus issue:  the County has a duty under state law (as best I understand it) and the court has no choice but to force them to do that duty.  Or carry on without them, in which case two Democrats win, again as I understand it. 

One can only hope Mike Lindell winds up chairing the RNC.  Trump's gonna set the GOP on fire anyway.

I'll bring the marshmallows.

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