Tuesday, December 19, 2023

"Twas A Week Before Xmas, And All Through The Courts..."

There is absolutely no reason to expect the Supremes to buck that trend. More interestingly: Wait for it! This is the usual appellate procedure. Appeal the ruling, and you usually get a three-judge panel. You can appeal that to the entire appellate court, which usually takes time for them all to find time on their docket, and insures you will have to wait for an opinion a majority can sign off on. But it's the next step to asking for review by a higher court, i.e., the Supreme Court.

Yes, Jack Smith jumped that line.  This is Trump's (perfectly legitimate) attempt to thwart that and delay the case as outlined above, and only THEN go to the Supremes, in regular order.  All the while, since this is a question of jurisdiction, the trial and most proceedings in Chutkan's court, are stayed.

The D.C. court already ruled on Trump's appeal, so requesting a hearing of the full court is ordinary.  But the full court is not interested in being Trump's cat's paw, so they aren't going to wait on the Supreme Court to act (even though if the Supremes do, it's out of the lower court's hands at that point).  It's clear Trump is playing a game, IOW; and the courts don't want to be part of it.  The DC court has set the hearing for January 9; the Supremes have set a deadline this week for briefs on the DOJ's request to remove the case to them.  Nobody is letting this thing languish the way Trump wants it to.
And Trump's lawyers are on record whinging that Jack Smith has ruined their Christmas with all these briefs they have to file. Looks like the D.C. circuit just quietly ignored that.

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