Friday, January 26, 2024

This Explains Everything

"Imagine a world when someone accuses you and you can't speak," Habba said, according the Inner City Press. "[Plaintiff attorney Roberta Kaplan] said Ms. Carroll defended herself, she said that just now, a right to defend. What's good for thee? She's right, he has not wavered, because it is the truth."
He had a chance to speak. He went to Scotland instead. That ship has sailed.

Trump doesn’t understand this. His lawyer doesn’t either. This is beyond not having a defense; this is not understanding why your client is on trial. She never mounted any defense to the damages issue. She never understood what this trial was about, either. She’s no better at this than Trump is.

And the judge had to admonish her, again, to try the case that’s before the court, not the case lodged like a pebble in the shoe of Trump’s mind.
How is he going to sit through a month-long criminal trial? FRCrimP 43 holds that defendant “every trial stage, including jury impanelment and the return of the verdict." Defendant can absent himself from proceedings after an initial appearance, but that allowance (I’m not a criminal lawyer) seems to allow the trial to proceed, not to let defendant retire to more comfortable quarters or return to the campaign trail. IOW, if defendant flees (the term used by the annotations to this rule), the trial can continue in absentia. The defendant can’t hamstring his trial by running. But he’s also going to be brought back to finish attending “every trial stage.”

Trump made it worse in the Carroll trial because he returned to court to listen to his lawyer’s closing ( who actually made his case worse with her closing). I don’t think he’ll be doing that in Chutkan’s court.

So I assume bailiffs (or U.S. Marshals) would stop Trump at the courtroom doors and tell him to sit down. If he grows too demonstrative in his feelings, he could be gagged. He has to remain in court, however; and while Trump in chains might win a few MAGA points, it’s not going to be much of a defense in court. Nor is it likely to get the jury on his side. But Trump has demonstrated time and again he doesn’t know what a jury’s for.

His criminal conviction before November is as sure as sunrise.🌅 

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if seeing the whole thing, Trump having outbursts and tantrums and then being gagged would have the effect of making everyone even more disgusted with him except his biggest suckers. I've talked to so many people this past month who agree with me that they can't wait for him to die and to have entire days go by without hearing his name. My feeling is that the polls are entirely wrong about that, I think the large majority of People are sick to death with him.
