Monday, November 25, 2024

War On, Christmas!πŸŽ… A Time Capsule






Pretty sure the church lost that one.


And no, Virginia, we didn’t need the intertoobs and unsociable media to spread rumors and create conspiracy theories nobody remembered a short time later.


1 comment:

  1. I have never liked Christimas as much as I have since more and more of my family have given up exchanging presents.
    I asked a Woman I know who watches those putrid Hallmark Christmas movies if she ever heard one of them where someone mentions Jesus and after she thought about it a few seconds she said she didn't recall one where anyone did. I've never heard anyone susceptible to FOX Lies complain about that. But, then, why would they? I'm going heavy on the Jesus next month. And heavy on the anti-Christ slamming. I think Christmas should kick it up, it's time the religious left, aka those who take Jesus seriously, did that.
