Sunday, December 01, 2024


Tom Nichols begs to differ:
Joe Biden pardoning Hunter in a sweeping 10-year pardon is a terrible, stupid move. It's everything Trump could hope for - and it's unwarranted.
Because President Biden should continue to ask himself “WWDD?” While Trump goes back to MAL and mocks Biden for acting like a civil person. So, yeah, Biden is greasing the skids for Trump.

This is why I’m spending Advent detoxing from politics. It brings out the absolute worst in people.
My take on the Hunter Biden news is that trump has proposed creating a network of concentration camps to deal with the undocumented millions in our country

1 comment:

  1. The absolute pardon power is yet another thing that the drafters of the Constitution rather stupidly and unconditionally included on their late 18th understanding of "honor" among gentlemen such as themselves.
    I heard one of the MSNBC retained laywers piously saying that HE would never accept a pardon because of the Supreme Court ruling that said accepting a pardon was an admission of guilt, which I thought was easy for him, who was not the focus of a corrupt and dishonest Republican-fascist prosecution or a Republican-fascist house committee show-hearing, to say.
    I think Keith Olbermann is right, Joe Biden should issue pardons for thousands of those who will be the focus of Trump and the other fascists' campaigns. I remember during the Jim Leech et al's Watergate Hearings that all of the entirely innocent subpoenaed witnesses had lawyers with them and I wondered how much it was costing them. Then there was one woman, as I recall, a rather low level secretary who appeared without one and when someone asked her about it she rather innocently said, I've done nothing wrong, I don't need to pay a lawyer to talk about it. I don't know how many People put in that situation with Jim Jorden or Comer running the show-hearing would dare to do that today.
    Taking a pardon for being innocent to avoid that is no shame, and those who Trump will pardon have no shame, anyway. What Biden does by way of pardoning the innocent isn't going to stop Trump from doing what he has announced he will, shielding his thugs and goons and, I have no doubt, murderers by using that power the amateurs who drafted the Constitution gave someone like him. I think that was exposed as the corruption baked into the Constitution for all times when Nixon pardoned Calley.
