Thursday, September 21, 2023


Remember when Trump was rambling in public about Biden getting us into World War II if we re-elected him, and what a devastating nuclear Holocaust that would be, “like the world has never seen”? Seems like that was only last week…

Anyway, Pepperidge Farm remembers:
Most important message in @JeffreyGoldberg astonishing profile of Mark Milley: Donald Trump's own top military appointees feared that left to his own devices, Trump could start a nuclear war out of brute stupidity.
If you just keep in mind the man projects like a cineplex, much of what he says you can explain. The rest you can just chalk up to brute stupidity.
"If you look at what happened last weekend, where you looked at him and he just got lost, he just blanked, he couldn't even remember, one, who he was running against in 2024, and then -- and I know it was almost eight years ago, it was a long time ago if you're -- we've all been around people with dementia, people getting older, forgetting things. Well, it was his history, so if his mind wasn't jumbled at that moment, he would have remembered he ran against Hillary Clinton in 2016. He couldn't remember who he ran against in 2016, so he just slid [Barack] Obama in there, just a catch-all, I guess – if you start your career with a racist conspiracy theory about Obama, he's got that back there somewhere. He is living somewhere in 2011, 'I'll just say Obama's name, people seem to like that.'" 
The 77-year-old Trump and his allies frequently say that President Joe Biden, who's 80, is too old to run for president, and many Democrats worry about that, as well, but Scarborough believes the op-ed was expressing concerns on the right that the former president might be slipping due to his age.
"Slipping due to age" is a relative, and very individual, thing. Joe Biden has forgotten more about politics, campaigning, and governance, than his critics ever knew. The proof of that pudding is in his record; and please to remember every President’s record is assessed after his term ends, not in mid-term. LBJ did more to create modern America than FDR; but because of Vietnam it was decades before we began to see that.

Trump is not too old to be president. He’s too bluntly stupid. I mean, we have video.

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