Wednesday, September 13, 2023

I Get E-Mails

Dear Friends and Family, 
I hope this letter finds you well and thriving. I am reaching out to you today because even in the Great State of Texas, our “conservative” politicians are failing us. The lackadaisical approach to legislation and the greed that emanates from Austin’s elite are making the financial, social, and educational costs to live in Texas unattractive. We need representatives who not only sound like a true conservative, but who act like a true conservative. 

“Austin’s elite”? The people he’s referring to mostly despise Austin and, except for 6 months every two years, don’t set foot there. And I’ve met the “conservative” ones from around here. They are uniformly assholes.

That is why I am asking for your support—both financial and influential—for my grassroots candidacy for the Texas House of Representative District 133. Substance of character is defined with specifics. Here are some issues I want to address that our current State Representative has neglected or altogether dropped the ball on. 

"Grassroots"?  What, you think being on the school board [you'll see, dear reader] is a springboard to power and political influence?  I doubt there's more than 20 people in the district who know your name or that you're on the school board. 

Secure our Border – Our borders are not just lines on a map; they are the demarcation of our home, our community, and our shared values. A secure border is more than a political talking point—it is essential for public safety, economic stability, and national integrity. It is a necessary step to halt the insidious operations of human trafficking and drug smuggling that victimize our communities. With a supposedly conservative majority at the Capitol, we still struggle session after session to put lasting solutions in place. As a true conservative, I am dedicated to securing our border and keeping Texans safe. 

You do understand that’s a federal obligation, and Texas has nothing to do with it, right? 

Protect our Children – Prohibiting gender-affirming medical interventions for minors is a crucial issue that deserves our attention. It is not a matter of prejudice, but one of safeguarding young Texans from making life-altering decisions before they are old enough to fully understand the implications. Strides were made in the 88th session, but there is still more to be done. Progress is continually hindered by House leadership and representation that allows and enables conservative legislation to be blocked or silenced by technicalities and Democrats who control committees and chairs. 

Minors getting “medical interventions” is right up there with “post-birth abortion.” Marsha Blackburn territory, IOW.

Fight for the Integrity of our Legal System – The weaponization of legal frameworks to suppress voters and target political opponents is an affront to our democratic principles. To this point, nothing has been done to rein in rogue District Attorneys and stop the misuse of justice. We must restore faith in the rule of law. 

I’m confused: are you for the impeachment of Ken Paxton? Because Georgia is three states east of here, and that’s the nearest DA doing what you’re misdescribing.

Re-Establish the Principles of Fiscal Responsibility and Limited Government – These are cornerstones of conservative ideology, and it is time to drastically curb unnecessary government spending and reduce the burden of government influence on the hardworking taxpayers of Texas. I have already demonstrated my commitment to these conservative principles on the Spring Branch ISD Board of Trustees. Your support will help elect me so that I may ensure every tax dollar is spent wisely and effectively. Your hard-earned money should be treated with the respect it deserves. Less government means more freedom, and more freedom means a more prosperous Texas for all. 

You are a complete putz on the school board. After nearly two years you still have no clue what a school Trustee is supposed to do. It’s obvious you don’t know what a Texas representative does, either. You couldn’t get a job as a staff member in the Texas House.

Fellow Texans, it is time for a new chapter, one where grassroots candidates rise to restore true conservative values in the Texas House of Representatives. With your support, we will forge a Texas that honors its past, lives fully in its present, and looks confidently towards its future—a Texas that remains forever free, forever strong, and forever ours. 

Who’s “we”? You got a mouse in your pocket? 

I am reaching out to you because I know you share these values.

You couldn’t be more wrong.

With your financial contribution and your influence within your community, we will make a real difference in restoring Texas hope, Texas pride, and Texas grit. Visit my website, _____________ today to donate and learn more about my candidacy. 

Make Texas Great Again? 

God bless you, and God bless the Great State of Texas! 
Fighting for You, 

Fighting sanity, I think you mean. 

John T. Perez, P.E.

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