Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Insatiable Curtiosity

At this point I'm just wondering how much of this was given to the J6 committee in interviews before her (briefer) public testimony?

On New Year's Eve, Hutchinson was told by her boss, Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, to start putting together a plan. She ignored it, hoping it was a fleeting idea. He asked again the following day.

"I called Kevin [McCarthy]. 'Hey, I know that you’ve never personally brought a presidential package up to the Capitol for the State of the Union. But we’ve used your leadership office as a holding area for the staff. If we were to make a movement from the rally at the Ellipse to the Capitol on January 6th, do you think it would be a viable option to use the same plan? I’m just trying to gauge what your thinking is about this.'"

McCarthy freaked.

“You guys aren’t coming to the Capitol, right?” he asked Hutchinson. “There’s no way he wants to do that. Why would he want to come up to the Capitol?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “Mark just asked me to figure out if there was a plan that we could potentially put in place. Kevin, I assure you this move can’t happen as of now. There are going to be way too many people. It’s not safe to bring him up.”

“So why even ask about it?” McCarthy said. Hutchinson wrote he was "losing patience" over the conversation. “I’m asking you to cover my back so I can tell Mark and the president that I made a call to Capitol Hill about it, and there are people on the Hill who are aware of a potential movement.”

“Yeah, okay, no. You guys aren’t coming here," McCarthy said.

“I know! I just have to ask," she told him. 

Not that I question her veracity; I just wonder how much of this was available public knowledge, v. what's coming out now.  Knowing the media (which is still reporting on the DOJ "gag order" motion as if it weren't filed 10 days before it was partially unsealed at the motion of the DOJ), I wouldn't be surprised if some of this could have been publicized months earlier.

It would also lend credence to her recollections to know they'd already been given freely, under oath.

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