Saturday, January 25, 2025

👍 💩

 Mark Cuban:

The thing to understand about Trump is like in his first term, he doesn’t want to govern. He doesn’t want to learn. He wants to campaign and look good. 
Republicans know this. So there are battles going on right now to take control of the actual process of governing. 
It’s easy for Trump to respond to talking heads and proclamations. He just talks to media and posts on socials. 
It’s hard for him to have control of the details of legislation beyond Exec Orders, because they take time, legal understanding and nuance. Which he has zero interest in. 
He doesn’t care about FEMA, NIH etc. He cares about talking about them. Which is why it’s important for those entities to be proactive behind the scenes and realize that all they have to do is Smile and give him credit for shit that isn’t really happening. Newsome understood this yesterday.
Trump is in Las Vegas today, at a rally: Irony is not his strong suit. A bottomless need for adulation, is.  (And I disagree with Cuban on one point: Trump doesn’t even care what the EO’s say. He just likes signing them. I do agree that the real question for the next four years is: who is really in charge?)

(And no, Trump is not going to change FEMA.  He just talks to hear his head rattle. Newsom did it right: just nod and move on. After all:
I’m not saying she shouldn’t have challenged him. But that gets “thumbs up” on social media, and not much else. Newsom doesn’t win the social media fight, but it’s a good lesson in giving Trump his due. And getting back to work, because ultimately what Trump says doesn’t matter as much as getting on with the work of governance.)

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