Friday, January 31, 2025

The Hollow Men

An investigation like the one Jack Smith did, that led to a grand jury indictment? Or an investigation like Comer did, that led nowhere and ended with his key witness in jail for perjury?

A real investigation? Or a Queen of Hearts investigation? “Sentence first—verdict afterwards!”

And run by people like this?
Or like this? Her boss opened the press conference yesterday saying he had opinions on what happened, and that was good enough, why wait for facts? The whole point of gathering facts is to be sure people don’t suffer and die from preventable causes. But Trump knows facts are stupid things. Far better to blame straw men.

Brendan Carr, Chair of the FCC, wants to investigate NPR and PBS over their use of advertising.
Carr noted in his letter that he was sharing it with lawmakers on Capitol Hill because he thought it could inform their debate over whether to cut off all taxpayer subsidies of NPR and PBS programming.
Sentence first; verdict afterwards. He doesn’t really want to investigate NPR and PBS; he wants an excuse to eliminate them. Why waste time on details like facts?

Trump is doing the same thing with federal funding. All federal funding is presumed guilty of violating the new Administration’s policies (whatever they are), until proven innocent. What those policies are with respect to public health and cancer research (and how such research is antithetical to them) have yet to be explained; but honestly, RFK, Jr. heading HHS is starting to look like a head fake, a distraction from the real problem: the guy in the Oval Office empowering the Idiocracy.

Still, the pattern is clear: sentence first; verdict … well, who really needs a verdict? Trump knows enough already. He has “common sense.” I mean, whaddya want him to do? Go swimming?

As Keith Olbermann said, that depends entirely on whether or not Trump can swim. 


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