Thursday, October 17, 2024

Last Lemming Over The Cliff…

Well, no. First, the background: Start there:
Judges, judicial employees, and federal public defender employees nationwide are bound by ethics laws and prescribed codes of conduct. These govern the proper performance of official duties and limit certain outside activities to avoid conflicts of interest. Under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act, chief judges and circuit judicial councils, and the Judicial Conference of the United States, when appropriate, investigate and resolve any submitted claim that a judge “has engaged in conduct prejudicial to the effective and expeditious administration of the business of the courts” or “is unable to discharge all the duties of office by reason of mental or physical disability.” Learn about the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act and the process for filing a complaint against a judge. The public website of each judicial circuit also includes the rules that explain what may be complained about, who may be complained about, where to file a complaint, and how the complaint will be processed. An annual report on the Judicial Business of the United States Courts includes information on all judicial complaints recently filed, terminated, and pending. 
Every judge is required to develop a list of personal and financial interests that would require recusal, which courts use with automated conflict-checking software to identify court cases in which a judge may have a disqualifying conflict of interest under 28 U.S.C. § 455 or the Code of Conduct for United States Judges. All judges and high-ranking judiciary officials and senior staff must file public financial disclosure reports each year, as required of all three government branches by the Ethics in Government Act. Judiciary personnel are also subject to certain provisions in the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge (“STOCK”) Act.
As implied, there is a chief judge in the Northern District of Texas. That would be Judge David Godbey, not Judge O’Connor. There are also other layers of oversight above the Chief Judge, so oversight doesn’t begin and end there.

Now, that NPR story is dated today. Which means this story is fairly new, and the Chief Judge probably hasn’t had time to look into it. And yes, I think the “back door recusal” language will pique the CJ’s interest, if not also the local judicial council. IOW, this looks bad on paper, which is pretty much enough to trigger a conflict of interest recusal, back or front door.

Then it gets more interesting, which is what has Chris Hayes all worked up (and that’s why judges below the Supremes avoid even the appearance of conflict. Thomas & Co. think they are “co-equal,” which makes them think they are invisible and bulletproof).
Yeah, Media Matters has a problem, but it isn’t necessarily tied to Twitter’s TOS. I don’t know how the Northern District allocates cases, but there are 16 judges in the district. I used to know the practice of the Western District, and can specifically state that a federal judge from Pecos came to Austin to try a case filed in the Austin division. This is the general practice: judges try cases around the district, not just in the division where they regularly sit. Professor Vladeck would know more about this than me (I’m not going to look up the local rules to figure out their filing procedures), but at least filing in the Northern District is not filing in Judge O’Connor’s court.

So not really corrupt, 19th century robber baron stuff. Especially if the Chief Judge and/or local administrative council remind O’Connor of his ethical obligations (obligations they can enforce very much through the front door).

(And the answer to Professor Vladeck’s question is that the law (and the courts) frown upon such provisions, because they can’t be negotiated and, more importantly, they make the courts a cat’s paw for companies. I suspect the Northern District is going to make sure O’Connor is not assigned these cases, and perhaps even void this specific clause.)

Hammer Time 🔨

What Makes It Really Pitiful

It’s the attempt to apply “threat to democracy!” to everything he doesn’t like that makes his complaints really pitiful.

Leopards Don’t Change Their Spots 🐆

It’s worth remembering that from 1982 to 2018, the RNC was under a consent decree.
That agreement prevented the RNC from carrying out what the party saw as ballot security measures and what critics deemed voter suppression.
That came after the year of Jubilee when Shelby County v Holder declared we no longer needed to enforce the VRA (or the 15th Amendment) anymore.

Everything new is indeed old again. And time does wound all heals.

“Paid For By Guys Who Can Still See Their Own D***s”


Trump’s Lawyers Suck

And Trump is spending other people’s money on them.

(Yes, I recognize they read the Roberts Court better than the rest of us. But they’re still burning Trump’s money like drunk sailors on shore leave.)

Worst Take Possible

I’ve seen a lot bot attempts at declaring Harris’ Fox interview everything it wasn’t.

You can always tell the bots from MAGAts. The bots aren’t as stupid.


What A Tangled Web…

Trump's attorneys requested federal Judge Tanya Chutkan stall until Nov. 14 docketing redacted non-public sensitive materials in his Washington D.C. election interference case, arguing subsequent media scrutiny would taint the jury pool.
For "jury pool,” read: “electorate.” And I don’t think that’s the problem they think it is. Or just remind everyone of the pending sentencing hearing…

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

In The Lion’s Den

This is the way.

The Stupid, It Annoys

Makes sense. Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which fills up faster. Authentic frontier gibberish. Well, he is as dumb as a bag of hammers.

Q: Are school shootings:
A) entertainmentx?
B) sport?, or 
C) other things?
Why I don’t think Trump’s support is that broad, or that deep.

This was the question:
Trump’s answer was long, rambling, and nothing you haven’t heard before. He also didn’t answer the question. That’s a fair gist of it. And nearly 900 convictions say something was done wrong. Funny, he was bragging about it the other day.

Trump Speaking To A Chosen Crowd Of Supporters

I know I’ve posted it before, but context is all. He’s already said he’s going to “protect” women. He might as well have added there: “Don’t worry your pretty little head about it.”

Trump Doesn’t Understand Words… “parole” and “asylum,” and now Vance limits the words he uses.

Although I’d held out hope Vance would explain to Trump the difference between “parole” and “parol,” I can see now I hoped in vain.

Limiting your vocabulary is apparently an entry-level MAGA requirement.

Jesse Helms Was Subtler Than This

So was Strom Thurmond


My first Presidential vote was for Jimmy Carter. 1976.

“Girl Dads” And The Women They Love

Not the flex he thinks it is. I mean, aside from completely ignoring the question: And while we’re on the subject: Can’t figure these groups into your polling analysis if you don’t acknowledge they exist. 🧐

(This is a discussion I’ve had with my daughter, the Golden Child. Believe me, it’s very much a concern for me.)

Fuuuuck, This Guy Is Stupid 🍩

Magical immunity. It does just what you want it to. In other words, what immigration law does.

The “father of IVF” ( which was around when Trump was still on his first wife) is also the father of this:
Dumb as a bag of hammers AND dangerous. Quite the combination.

“Never Before…”

 What I found interesting in this article was not the focus (appreciated as it is) on Trump’s threats to his “enemies” (which is fundamentally un-American), but this paragraph:

As they move into what will be their closing arguments to voters, Mr. Trump and Ms. Harris are devoting most of their attention to wrangling over the issues that remain voters’ top priorities — the economy, abortion rights, housing costs and American engagement in the wars roiling Ukraine and the Middle East. The race remains tight, with views about Mr. Trump deeply cemented for most voters.
Not immigration; not culture war issues; not trans surgeries for children and undocumented persons; nor electric boats or cars or sharks or Hannibal Lecter. This strikes me because most of the internet punditry I read focuses on the issues Trump wants to talk about, and confuses them with what’s on voters’ minds.

Speaking of which:
I know MAGA doesn’t care. I’m pretty sure the rest of us do.

Trump’s two-a-day appearances are proving he’s as worn out as his ideas.

I Don’t Think George Wallace Was This Bad

And as racist as any white supremacist:
Trump: The word is probation. In order to get the people in legally, they call them probation. That's for prisoners. They use this in Springfield.. You can't get into the hospitals. You can’t get your kids in to school. They’re taking over the school

Debates Don’t Matter

Except: When the late Guv Miz Anne debated Clayton Williams, a West Texas yahoo remembered mostly for saying rape was like the weather: sometimes you just have to lie back and enjoy it; the debate mattered.

No, that observation didn’t cost him the race. Most observers think he lost it at the debate, when he refused to shake Anne’s hand before the debate started.

Colin Allred is not Anne Richards, but he turned Ted Cruz every which way but loose. If he did himself any good, he persuaded urban Democrats to turn out, by showing Cruz to be the fatuous ass he is. I’m old enough to remember when Cruz was praised for his debate skills supposedly acquired from being the Texas solicitor general and a Yale Law grad (or was it Harvard? No matter.). Not sure where those went, but Allred bullied Cruz into this debate, and then rode him around the rodeo arena like a gelding.

Early voting in Texas starts next week, so, we’ll see if that matters.

I Grew Up In This Culture

This is not my church, but neither is it the church of the evangelicals who swarm around Trump or the church of Franklin Graham. This is not my church, but my church is much more closely aligned with the church of Harris and Rev. Kinloch and Charlemagne Tha God. This is not my church, but I resonate to what they say. “That’s church.” And yes, God is good; all the time.

A lot of people will resonate to that message. This alone won’t carry the election; but it may persuade a few more people to turn out.

Every little bit…

“I’m Good At Words”

💯  When you absotively, posolutely have no defense or explanation to offer. "Racism yesterday, racism today, racism forever!” Although he can’t say it with the southern accent George Wallace had. It’s the thought that counts. And we wore onions in our belts, and used bees for money!

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

“He’s Going To Talk About The Economy”

Eloise Gerson, a Trump supporter since 2016 who lives in Chicago’s Streeterville neighborhood, attended the event as the guest of an Economic Club of Chicago member. 
 “He's going to talk about the economy, how the economy is faltering, how the whole country [is] really because with the borders open, we're getting all these illegal aliens here who are getting all the goodies that our citizens are not getting. Free phone, free housing in the best hotels, and money, $2,000 a month in the city of Chicago,” Gerson said.
It’s safe to say she was disappointed. ☹️. So, it seems, was Trump: Speaking of economics: He could use the weave on the economy.

You know, for a guy supposedly leading in the economy, he really doesn’t know how to talk about it. Or understand it, for that matter.
It’s a fair assessment.

Dance Party

“Apologise/Apologise/Pluck out his eyes/Apologise”

And today:

🔥 Burning Cancun Cruz 🔥

I knew it was bad. I didn’t know it was this bad.

Among Politicians Who Don’t Know…

...Jack shit about the economy, this interview leads the pack!

But Trump Is Popular!

And he's leading in Georgia! Immigrants! The economy! RED STATE!!!! (Doesn’t Trump hate early voting?)

Maybe the horse race 🏇 narrative is …slightly flawed?

Wait A Minute…

Arrests made: More than 1,265 defendants have been charged in nearly all 50 states and the District of Columbia
Of those:
Approximately 452 defendants have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees, including approximately 123 individuals who have been charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer.
Funny. Trump usually exaggerates up.


Macho, macho man. "Didn’t you hear me? I call it ‘THE WEAVE’!” ECONOMICS! $$$ Stable genius! (He knows a lot of horseshit!) Dream weaver. The rest thought the media was exaggerating. Or just not reporting on him. A President for the RIGHT parts of the country! Trump cannot violate the Logan Act. Only Democrats can! "Yeah” = “I was told there would be no math.” Trump finally figures out he’s not taking to Bartiromo and he’s not on FoxNews. Maria lets him do it. Uh... "What is it about the ‘weave’ that you do not fucking understand?!?” His cars blow up. His rockets blow up. His cyber truck gets recalled 5 times in one year, (We’ve been building all these things for a century or so. Why does Elmo have so much trouble with them?)  What could go wrong? 😑  Bashing auto workers and supporting repeal of child labor laws! Win-win! Better to laugh than cry. Or, make bricks 🧱 with straw.

He should have brought his playlist.

“There’s A Sucker Born Every Minute”

Keep on keepin' on.
Trump, who wants us to believe his health is perfect, used Kamala Harris' released medical records to attack his opponent for having "urticaria" and "allergic rhinos and allergic conjunctivitis." These are basically hives, a runny or stuffy nose, and eye redness and irritation likely caused by seasonal allergies.
Trump also reported that Harris’ epidermis is showing.

What To Expect Tonight In Chicago

Not that he did any better in Detroit.

Because He Couldn’t Bring His Playlist?

The Daily Beast reports he’s supposed to talk to Bloomberg before his speech to the Chicago Economic Club tonight.

We’ll see.

Does This Mean…

...they can’t find 11,780 votes?
In his ruling, McBurney found certification of election results were mandatory under Georgia law and no election board “may refuse to certify or abstain from certifying election results under any circumstances," reported the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. 
“Georgia voters would be silenced,” McBurney wrote. “Our Constitution and our election code do not allow for that to happen.”
(If the Republicans can do it, the Democrats can do it. Funny how they never think of that.)

If People Vote, Republicans Lose

 Abbott claimed 6500 non-citizens were on voter rolls in Texas, 2000 of them with voting history. Those 2000 are to be investigated by Ken Paxton (who has no criminal authority). All Paxton could do is refer them to DA’s for prosecution; but the threat is the point.

An investigation by ProPublica, The Texas Tribune and Votebeat, however, found that the governor’s claims about noncitizens on the rolls appear inflated and, in some cases, wrong. 
The secretary of state’s office identified 581 people, not 6,500, as noncitizens, according to a report it gave Abbott in late August that the newsrooms obtained through a public information request. 
In response to questions about the basis for Abbott’s larger number, the secretary of state’s office told the news organizations that it had “verbally” provided the governor’s office with a separate number of people removed from the rolls who failed to respond to letters alerting them that there were questions about their citizenship. 
The governor’s news release combined the two figures.
Yeah, start there.
That means U.S. citizens who simply never received or responded to such letters are almost certainly included in Abbott’s 6,500 number. Abbott did not respond to requests for comment, and Secretary of State Jane Nelson declined to be interviewed.
The lies are the point, too.

The article points out that mail delivery is a problem the counties)where registration is regulated) can’t control:
“The post office messes up. We get a lot of cards back or mail back that says ‘undeliverable’ and the person will be like, ‘I’ve lived at this address for 20 years and I’ve never moved,’” said Trudy Hancock, elections administrator in Republican-leaning Brazos County, home to Texas A&M University. “So you have to consider that there are outside circumstances that can affect our efforts to reach them.”
I can attest to that. I’ve lived in my house for over 20 years, and I know my mail has been returned to sender marked “unable to deliver.” But this fearmongering by Abbott is a feature, not a bug:
Elfant, for one, said he was frustrated by Abbott’s public promotion of voter removal data. He said the governor’s press release created confusion among residents who feared they might have been wrongly removed and would not be able to cast ballots in the upcoming presidential election. 
“It scared a lot of people. We’ve received a lot of phone calls and emails from people who are concerned that they’re not on the voter rolls,” Elfant said.
Scared voters don’t vote. Might be a crime, right?

Feature, not bug.

Nothing Weird At All

Nothing to see here. Nah, it’s just an “impromptu concert,” an “improvisational departure.”

Ask And It Shall Be Answered

Ya hadda ask! It wasn’t a complete breakdown that left moderator Kristi Noem wondering what to say: No! According to the Grey Lady, Trump is a jazz singer riffing to an “improvisational departure.” Which is what you call ending a town hall after 30 minutes, and spending another 30 minutes standing on stage while recorded music plays. They could have just as well posted Steven Cheung’s tweet and saved themselves the typing:
The only thing missing from the Times coverage is speculation on why people fainted and forced Trump to “improvise”:
I’m sure the NYT will report it that way.

Stuck Pig 🐷



It’s not over ‘til it’s over.
The town hall, moderated by South Dakota Gov. Kristi L. Noem (R), began with questions from preselected attendees for the former president. Donald Trump offered meandering answers for how he would address housing affordability and help small businesses. But it took a sudden turn after two attendees required medical attention. 
And so Trump, after jokingly asking the crowd whether “anybody else would like to faint,” took a different approach. 
“Let’s not do any more questions. Let’s just listen to music. Let’s make it into a music. Who the hell wants to hear questions, right?” he said. 
For 39 minutes, Trump swayed, bopped — sometimes stopping to speak — as he turned the event into almost a living-room listening session of his favorite songs from his self-curated rally playlist.
It’s the joke that makes it art. Or maybe makes it senselessly macabre.
As Trump stood onstage in his oversize suit and bright red tie, swaying back and forth, it was almost as if he were taking a trip back to the decades past. Trump’s decision to cut short the question-and-answer portion of the town hall and instead have the crowd stay to listen to his favorite songs was a somewhat bizarre move, given that the election was only 22 days away. It also comes as Vice President Kamala Harris has called Trump, 78, unstable and called into question his mental acuity.
The weird speaks for itself. Now I fully expect clips from this “town hall” to appear at Kamala’s next rally.


Heed the words of Dear Leader, and vote for him on January 5th.   2025.

Monday, October 14, 2024

Final Days

The days in which anything can happen. Attempted assassination? Well, no, he didn’t point the guns at a golf course… ⛳️  Lawyers have to be paid after the election. Fundraising pretty much ends by then. I mean, it’s not like he sits on the Supreme Court. Not sure how I missed this. Probably that’s why. Trump wanted to copy Kamala’s success on “Call Me Daddy.” And now she’s doing Joe Rogan.


Noise From The Peanut Gallery

I would just point out that the yellow areas in Texas are major urban areas (D-FW; San Antonio; Austin, Houston). Aside from Fort Worth, those areas are reliably Democratic.

And yet Texas is a red state. Just as California is reliably blue 

Population density is not even an indicator of voter turnout. I’m not sure what the argument is supposed to be here.