Tuesday, October 27, 2020

"Herd Mentality"

Yeah, I know, it's small beer. Schoolyard stuff. But at some point it isn't.

"Herd Mentality"

Oddly, outside Politico and CNN, a Google search found no news reports on Trump's repeated used of "hydrosonic missiles." It's not like he's never said it before. "O blank confusion!" (Wordsworth, very classy!) Maybe it's because he's a prize winner! Nomination, prize; what's the difference, really? And he's working so hard to win! Je ne regrette rien. Well, maybe a few things....

1 comment:

  1. It is classy. From the Prelude, Book Seven, marking the onset of the second sight procession at Bartholmew Fair. Far more important than the stolen boat or the spots of time.
