Friday, October 23, 2020

I Respect Your Decision

​I respect your decision to smoke like a chimney in public, or wherever the hell you want to.

I respect your decision to drive drunk.

I respect your decision to fire off your gun whenever you want to, wherever you want to, in whatever direction you want to.

I respect your decision to play your music/tv/what have you as loudly as you can at any hour of the day, in your car or your home or wherever you set up the speakers.

I respect your decision to use public spaces as a garbage dump, or a bathroom.

I respect your decision to go naked in public.  After all, if I can't make you wear a mask, how can I make you wear clothes?

I respect your decision to ignore public sanitation laws and regulations.  Freedom begins with eating in a restaurant that may or may not be safe to eat in.  It's your decision.  I have to respect that.

I respect your decision to spread contagion regardless of how it affects others.

We need to respect each others decisions.  After all, society doesn't exist.  Maggie Thatcher said that; clearly she was right.  We don't owe each other anything, except in transactional ways.

The Cassandras are right:  Trumpism is going to be with us for a long time. (The only question is: who'll pay the fees for the venue? Because you know Trump won't.)

1 comment:

  1. FOX, Sinclair, hate-talk cabloid and online and radio, I think one of the things that is going to have to happen if this kind of disaster, probably dwarfing several world wars in death-toll is that that level of political opportunistic lying will have to be prohibited. It's too dangerous, that kind of "liberty" is not something any rational person would think any society owes to any individual or group of individuals. Lies get lots of people killed, allowing them due to the ill considered grab-bag stated in truncated language that the first Congress made the First Amendment is insanity of the kind that is endemic in the United States and elsewhere where the cult of "free speech-press" has grown to an insane fundamentalism.
