Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Numbers Game

One for one, and nobody else.

1 comment:

  1. My apologies for not being able to create a hot link. Maybe it's stories like this that have moved all those seniors over to Biden's column. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/519727-trump-health-official-meets-with-doctors-pushing-herd-immunity It's nice to know Oxford, Harvard and Stanford are okay with killing off a bunch of people for maybe, sort of, the possibility of herd immunity. For once Yale wasn't on the side of evil. Perhaps some students can go protest their professors wanting to kill off their grandparents and parents, and inflicting them with potentially lifetime health issues to save "the economy". Most people are smart enough to know they won't be getting the multi-platinum care Trump is receiving, and even if they could get access, they damn well can't afford it.
