Saturday, June 05, 2021

I Can't Even...

Me?  Or your very eyes?

"As we gather tonight, our country is being destroyed by our very eyes," Trump said.

But it's gonna be very good!

We're going to take back back our country and take it back at a level that is very, very good for our country and it's good for our citizens because we can't let bad and bad, bad things are happening to us, perhaps like never before," he said. 
"They" used COVID as a weapon; whoever "they" are (you know who you are!):

"They used COVID and they used the mail-in ballots to steal an election. It was the third-world country election like we've never seen before," he argued.

This is much worse than people who DO have a right to destroy our country!  Like, uh...white people?

"That election will go down as the crime of the century and our country is being destroyed by people who perhaps have no right to destroy it," he added. 
The number of conspiracies against Trump are literally unimaginable. No, literally.

"Now when I made the best speech I've ever made, they said it was at West Point. And it was pouring and I had a ramp that was an iceskating rink," Trump falsely claimed.

The day of the speech was June 13, 2020.
"So I walked gingerly down — that was on every newscast in the world and I never went down," Trump said, despite there should have been no danger of him falling while walking down the ramp. "I never went down, either, I never went on my ass, I'll tell you, I wasn't going to fall."

"I think that was a boobytrap," Trump said.

"I'll never forget that ramp, that was like a sheet of ice. It was cold, rainy and that ramp was long and steep," he falsely claimed.
That about sums it up; except the odds of him returning to office are somewhere between "zip" and "none."

Because other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?
Remember Trump saying he would run in 2024 if his health permitted? He's not running. He'll say he will. He won't.

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