Saturday, June 29, 2024

NYT Is The New WSJ

The editorial board of your paper, the New York Times, is urging President Biden to leave the race," Witt began. "You can see the headline, we are putting it up again. That, as you know, is no small thing. Did it surprise you, Peter, that members made this call so quickly after the debate and what kind of impact this will have?" 
"Well, as your viewers I assume know, there's a difference between the news side of the New York Times and the editorial side," he began. "I have nothing to do with the editorial side, so just so everybody understands this is something completely separate from what I do in terms of reporting."
But obviously it is an important editorial platform in the country," he conceded before proceeding, "And I think, more importantly, it reflects a lot of conversation among Democrats, put aside the media for a second." 
"What you are hearing from people, many of whom have supported very strongly Joe Biden over the years is a great sense of disappointment, a great sense of fear and uncertainty and a great sense that maybe he's not at the point where he can carry this out through the fall much less the next four years," he elaborated. "That, I think, has been an undercurrent among many professional Democrats for a long time but now it's been brought in the open in a way we haven't seen before.
Democrats who are in Peter Baker’s contacts? Or Democrats who just gave Biden $27 million? Which ones count, Peter?

The MSM will give up this narrative when you pry it from their cold, dead fingers. 
CNN's Arlette Saenz reported that "Biden is currently in the Hamptons for a fundraising swing." 
She added that he "is trying to ensure that he can continue to bring in the money for his campaign at a time when many Democratic donors have expressed a lot of angst following his debate performance." 
"Now the president is accompanied today; the reporters traveling with him said that they saw Jeffrey Katzenberg, his campaign co-chair, who is also a longtime Hollywood producer with a lot of networking and contacts within that Hollywood circuit who has helped Biden raise money for other events, including that L.A. fundraiser with Obama, just a few weeks ago." 
She then, however, added that there is a bright spot for Biden. 
"But the Biden campaign today is also touting the fact that they raised 27 million over the over the past two days, that was on Thursday and Friday, a bright spot that they're trying to point to after the president's performance in the debate."
"Trying to point to” is doing a helluva lot of work there. One wonders why campaign can’t just point to it, the way the MSM allows Trump to continue to be a xenophobic racist who wildly inflates his crowd numbers and his fundraising. Somehow Trump is never trying to claim more support or money than he has, while Biden is trying to escape a problem that more people more and more clearly was invented by a performance obsessed media. 🎭

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